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All You Need to Know About Yoga and the Most Beneficial Yoga Poses

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Warrior Pose

Yoga is so much more than just doing weird poses. If not for the breath and awareness it is just calisthenics. Every pose that is practiced in yoga has a meaning, a purpose,and is beneficial to your over all health. Some of the simplest looking poses might actually be the most beneficial and indeed push you to your limit  physically and spiritually. One of my favorite poses that is a true example of this is Virabhadrasana 2. In English, it is called Warrior pose. It reminds me of what horse stance is to martial arts. It is a deeply seated position where the front leg is bent at a 90 degree angle and the back leg is straight , with the toes turned in slightly becoming your anchor. Arms are extended straight out to your sides in line with your shoulders and your glance is straight beyond your front middle finger. This pose can seem very deceiving because most people new to yoga can easily get into this position but staying steady and with your breath is where you will be tested. See each pose brings up new emotions and your mind starts playing games with you causing you to fidget.

I remember a teacher kept me in this pose for so long that I was thinking to myself , child birth was easier that this! This pose has taught me more than any other pose in yoga. Spiritually it always has a way of making me feel good about myself after and physically it has made me feel as strong as a horse. It still challenges me every time and right when I feel like I cant take it I remember to smile and find gratitude that I can do it. I am a firm believer that how you respond to your poses on your mat is how better you can handle challenges in your life. Finding peace sitting in this strong pose actually builds confidence and unwavering focus possibly bringing out the Warrior in you.

From Tadasana jump or step your feet 3 1/2 to 4 feet apart. Turn your right foot out and your back foot in slightly. Aligning your front heel with the back arch. Bend your right knee so that it is at a 90’degree angle. The back leg stays straight and is neutral. Press the outside of the back foot down and lift your inner arch up. Bring your arms straight out to the sides so that they are parallel to the ground. Turn your head to the right and gaze beyond your middle finger. Lengthen all four sides of your torso equally while keeping your shoulders directly over your pelvis. Inhaling and exhaling through your nose try and maintain a steady pose for 30 seconds. Eventually building up to 2 minutes. Repeat for the same length on the other side.

Please keep these poses and facts in mind while you are working on your yoga practice. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

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