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Breakage and Split Ends? How To Recognize Your Hair’s Call for Help

Don’t we all dream of having healthy, shiny, glass-like hair? I know that I do. And let me tell you — I’ve done my absolute best to make this dream come true. I’m talking about weekly oil treatments, bond builders, high-end products, and heatless curls. Truth be told, my hair has never been healthier than it is now, but it also took me YEARS to be where I am today. So, to say that I am an expert when it comes to hair health and breakage would be an understatement. But I’ve also learned that it can be tricky to recognize the two villains when it comes to hair health — breakage and split ends. So, let me teach you how to notice your hair’s cry for help.

The Sneaky Signs

I’ll have to warn you right away — the signs or hair damage can be very sneaky. Especially if you do a good job when it comes to styling. I always use a leave-in conditioner and silicone-based hair oil after washing, which often leads me to believe that my hair is as healthy as it gets. How do I notice serious breakage? Mostly after I forgot to style my hair the night before or just skipped washing altogether and sprayed half a bottle of dry shampoo on my roots.

Even though my hair is naturally straight and fairly smooth, brushing my fingers through it was difficult. When looking at my ends, it seemed like there were numerous small dots on the tip of my individual hairs. Sadly, at this stage, all you can really do is cut your ends. But this should be a wake-up call that your hair needs a little bit of TLC if you want to grow it out.

So, if you’re wondering if your hair is healthy or not, I would suggest taking a look at it either with no product at all or a few days after you last wash. By then, most of the products will be already absorbed, and your ends will show their true colors. Are they feeling dry and brittle? Do you spot any split ends or frayed strands? And don’t forget to give your strands a gentle tug – if you notice any breakage, it’s a red flag that your hair is in distress.

Stretch Test

If you’re someone who has ever bleached their hair, then you’ve probably already heard about the “stretch test”. If not, let me explain it to you. Grab a small section of your damp hair and give it a gentle tug. Healthy hair should have some elasticity and bounce back when released. If your strands stretch excessively or feel weak and limp, it’s a sign that your hair is in need of some serious nourishment. If your hair feels like gum — then you sadly have a serious amount of bleach damage! Healing this requires some serious determination and professional products that are infused with bond builders (K18, Redken ABC, or Olaplex).

The stretch test can be a great way to determine what your hair really needs. For example, I always thought that my hair was weak and needed protein. But that wasn’t the case at all — I actually needed hydration. So if your hair snaps off and seems to have no elasticity at all when doing a stretch test — chances are you have a protein buildup and your hair lacks hydration. Swipe out your hair routine for something more hydrating. If your hair stretches but does not go to its original shape, it’s more likely that a lack of protein is actually causing your hair troubles. And if your hair stretches lightly and then snaps off — you probably need both protein and hydration.


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