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Becoming “That Girl”: Morning Routine, Vision Boards, and More

At the end of 2023, I’ve decided that 2024 will be my “that girl” year. I know — it sounds so cringe. Especially considering that I’m not exactly a girl, but a full-grown woman approaching her late twenties. But — the idea behind becoming “that girl” doesn’t have to do anything with TikTok and Pinterest. Instead, I want to take this year as my opportunity to re-discover myself, improve my health, and push myself to the limits. So, what’s my exact plan? Let me share it with you. And who knows, maybe you’ll decide to join me as well.

Who’s “That Girl”?

So, if you’re not chronically online there’s a chance that you’re completely unfamiliar with the “that girl” concept. I’m not sure how it all started, but to give you a better idea of what it is — that girl is a person who knows how to take care of herself physically, mentally, intellectually, and emotionally. She wakes up at a decent time, has a morning routine, works out regularly, eats healthy food, limits her screen time, reads in the evenings, and loves taking care of her hair and skin. It’s basically something that has it all together. Or at least try to have it all together.

Of course, I’m aware that the ideal image of “that girl” can be a bit unattainable or unrealistic for a lot of women. Maybe you’re a single mom, someone who has to work to put yourself through school, or you’re just overwhelmed by your life in general. Whatever the case may be, trust me when I tell you that I totally get it. There have been so many obstacles that I had to overcome in the past year, that I didn’t have any motivation or energy to take care of myself. I’ve gained weight, experienced brain fog, and would spend days in a state of hibernation. So, if you’re feeling like that too, I just want to remind you that it’s something we all go through. But also that it won’t last forever.

How To Become “That Girl”

It’s time to finally talk about my plan for becoming “that girl”! From self-help books to going on daily walks, there’s a lot that I’ve had to change. However, the one thing that has single-handedly changed my complete outlook on life is working on my health. And that primarily consists of working out and eating healthy. I know — that’s not exactly revolutionary. It was something I knew was important. However, it was also something I had ignored for years. Especially when it came to working out. And because I wasn’t ever working out I also didn’t feel bad about eating refined sugar daily, because hey — what’s the issue with that? I had a healthy BMI, and normal blood sugar levels, and I just love to have a chocolate bar with my afternoon cup of coffee. Right? Wrong.

How Everything Started to Change

Once I switched my diet and started showing up at the gym 4-5 times a week, I couldn’t believe how much my inner monologue had changed. I knew that I was taking care of myself, which gave me the confidence and self-assurance that I was so desperately looking for. And with that, everything else started to fall into place. I started going to bed earlier, I would wake up feeling more refreshed, and spending time scrolling on social media apps felt like such a waste. Also — if you’re currently struggling with finding a community, that’s something a gym membership can help you with too. You’ll start spending time around people who are focused on their health as well, and it won’t take too long until you start chatting next to the leg press machine and plan future coffee dates.


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