You’ve probably already heard about feminine energy, right? But what do you know about it, really? Personally, this has been a topic I’ve been pondering for quite some time now. It has not only helped me understand myself, and the different aspects of my personality, but it has also been a game-changer when it comes to the way I handle my relationships. And I don’t just mean romantic ones. That’s why I wanted to share with you my guide (for dummies) about understanding feminine energy, and how it affects our lives.
What Is Feminine Energy?
To keep things short — feminine energy is one of the strongest forces in the universe. And while most people think that femininity is all about nurture, care, and love, there are actually many more aspects to this. Divine feminine energy is a balance of both light and dark aspects, perfectly symbolizing the duality that we see in nature. And to be a divinely feminine woman, you have to embrace both sides of your personality — the dark, and the light. However, the truth is that most of us are stuck in either one of them.
You can picture dark and light feminine energy as savage and sweet. A great example of a dark feminine energy icon would be women such as Angelina Jolie, Dua Lipa, or Megan Fox. They are incredibly confident, and seductive, and don’t hesitate to speak their mind. On the other hand, light feminine energy celebrities would be women such as Taylor Swift, Blake Lively, and Zooey Deschanel. All of these women are known to be very vulnerable, open, and warm.
Balancing the Two Energies
Now that you understand the duality of the feminine energies, how can you use them to your advantage? First of all, you have to accept that you’ll forever lead with one of the two. Naturally, you’re either a light or a dark feminine girly. However, the key is to know when to let your other side out. Our dark feminine energy is the part of us that protects our “inner child”. She’s savage, fierce, and knows how to get what she wants, even if that requires a little bit of manipulation. Our light feminine energy is carefree and living in the moment. She enjoys life while making sure everyone around her feels loved and comfortable.
I grew up as a pathological people pleaser who always put the needs of others above my own. I didn’t know how to be savage, assertive, or bold. And even though that isn’t too much of a problem while you’re a child or a teenage girl, it becomes an absolute nightmare once you enter adulthood. I never understood why I was that way until I started learning more about feminine energies. On the other hand, I know that some of my friends struggle with the sweeter and more relaxed side of their personalities. Which can make it hard to form deeper connections. Especially when it comes to dating.
How To Break Free
The only way to truly activate your full power is by breaking free of whatever image you have of yourself. What really helped me was understanding and believing that I had both in me — dark & light. Personally, it was incredibly hard for me to let go of my people-pleasing tendencies and assert boundaries. However, once I did it my dark feminine energy really started to flourish. I knew that I had her in me, and I started to understand when it was necessary to let her out. So, first, try to distinguish which one of those two energies you have by nature. And secondly — start strengthening the other one.
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