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A Shy Girl’s Gym Guide: How To Beat Your Fear of Public Workouts

Starting the gym was on my New Year’s resolution list for this year. Even though I recognize the importance of regular activity and having an appropriate amount of muscle mass, getting myself into the gym was way harder than I expected. And that has nothing to do with my lack of motivation, and everything to do with my concerning level of shyness. The idea of working out publicly was just too overwhelming for me, so I put off going for as long as I could. Until a month ago. And what have I learned in the past month? That public workouts aren’t nearly as big of a thing as I thought. So, here’s my take on a shy girl’s gym guide.

Have a Gym Buddy

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The best piece of advice that I could give you is to have someone willing to go to the gym with you. For me, it was my boyfriend who already had experience working out there. He introduced me to all the machines, helped me when I couldn’t figure something out, and was there for a quick chat between sets. This has made things a lot less awkward, and it also has brought us closer together. Having a hobby to share and goals to look forward to can improve any relationship, romantic or not. And when you’re exercising with someone, the other person can also hold you accountable when you’re feeling more like rotting on your bed, instead of doing Romanian deadlifts.

Start Small

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Now, you’ve arrived at the gym for the first time. There’s an overwhelming amount of equipment, and everyone seems to know what they are doing, instead of you. What should you do? Start small. The first time I went to the gym, the only thing I really did was walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes and watch what others were doing. This allowed me to get familiar with my surroundings, without going all out. Also, I would strongly advise you to visit the gym during off-peak hours. For most places, this includes early mornings or late evenings. If you’re a student, self-employed, or you only work part-time, you could also go around noon as that’s when most other people will be at work.

When it comes to lifting weights, the machines can be a bit hard to understand. Even though my boyfriend was there to guide me through the process, a quick Google search can also solve the problem. However, if you want to prevent any injuries and give yourself a little bit more time to get used to the whole gym thing, you can start with dumbbells and Russian kettlebells. There are plenty of amazing full-body workouts online. You could follow along a YouTube video, or simply find some great exercises on platforms such as Pinterest.

Focus on Yourself

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Shy girls, I have to warn you – sometimes people will be staring at you while you’re at the gym. However, I’ve noticed that I do that too. And that’s not because I’m all up in somebody’s else business, but simply because I zone out between sets. I contemplate life with a blank stare on my face, which sometimes looks like I’m judging someone else. But the truth is, most of the people in the gym are solely focusing on themselves and their health. And you should too! It’s not about looking like a Victoria’s Secret supermodel while running on the treadmill. It’s about staying fit and healthy. So, remember that everyone is on their own fitness journey. Instead of worrying about what others might think, focus on yourself and your own progress.


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