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Upgrade Your Self-Care Routine: Transformative Practices for Body & Mind 

Self-care has become a trending topic in the last few years. Every woman nowadays knows how important it is to take care of herself.  We are bombarded with the morning, day, and night routines of famous women whose personal care consists of 10-step skincare routines, Instagram-worthy meals with salads and oats, daily exercise, reading personal development books, drinking infused water, and much more. And while all of the above can be great self-care, hardly any of us “ordinary women” manage to keep up with all the trends. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t less demanding transformative practices that we can introduce in our lives.

Start with a good morning routine

Although it may sound like a cliché, a good start to the day with a good morning routine really makes the biggest difference. A quality morning routine doesn’t have to mean getting up and exercising at five in the morning or making a complicated breakfast. Think about how you get ready in the morning when you know you have an important day ahead of you, a day when you need to shine or just be your best self. Just getting up right away to brush your teeth and wash your face instead of lying down and scrolling through your phone for an hour can be a step that will change the course of your entire day. 

Take care of yourself

When we think of someone being well-groomed, we think of stylish clothes, hair, makeup, perfume, etc.. “Well-groomed” can be much more (or less) than that. Dressing up for yourself means dressing the way you like the most, the way you are most comfortable, the way you feel best. When I’m at home, dressing up for me is matching pajama tops with bottoms and socks. And those days spent in your favorite pajamas always somehow turn out better than those in old and stained sweatpants. 

Plan your day

One of the things I had to come to terms with when I officially “grew up” was the fact that responsibilities never end. There is always something that you have to clean, some bills that you have to pay, and laundry that you have to fold… When you accept that you can never solve everything and that it’s okay to take time for yourself, you’ll feel a lot better. Arrange tasks, and write just one small to-do list each day. Make sure it only contains the things that truly need to be done. As important as productivity is, it’s also important to have some time to rest and enjoy your life.

Find and make time for your hobby or interest

A large part of self-care is about personal development, on a mental and spiritual level. At first, this sounds like something time-consuming or difficult to many, but it can also be the simplest thing that will change your life. Choose a hobby or interest that will be yours alone, that you enjoy, that you connect with, and set aside 10 to 20 minutes for it every day. This doesn’t have to mean actively doing it, just take the time to watch a YouTube video about something that interests you. As your knowledge and interest grow, start setting aside more time. The only thing that matters is to be persistent and in time you will have something that really enriches your life.

Get ready for bed 

After spending the day doing all those wonderful things. the only thing you’re probably thinking about is going to bed. Before you do that, treat yourself to a long and relaxing shower. This practice is the ideal opportunity to slow down and indulge. Instead of waiting until the last minute to get ready for bed, force yourself to shower earlier. Take time for an extensive skincare routine and truly unwind from the day. Trust me, you will feel just so much better after that.


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