“I would love to exercise, but I don’t have anyone to do it with!”
Have you ever uttered that phrase before? Don’t worry, so have I – and so have a lot of people. Exercising is tough if you have no motivation, so here’s a really, really good question: how do you find someone to exercise with?
Here’s a bit of good news: we live in a high-tech world and finding someone to exercise with doesn’t have to be hard, but sometimes it pays to start out with a simpler approach.
Reach out to Friends
This is very simple: ask someone. It might be a foreign concept to some of you, but there is a good chance that your own friends are wondering how THEY can break into fitness, and maybe THEY are looking for someone to run with- it’s probably not something you thought of. Hey, who would be better to go on an early morning jog with than your best friend? Failing that, however, you can bring technology into the equation.
This is the world’s largest network for special-interest groups, and as you browse the site, you’ll find all kinds of people signing up for all kinds of activities. If you’re looking to be inspired, this is definitely the place you want to be. You’re going to find all sorts of activities, whether you’re looking for a hiking group or a place to do yoga with your dog.
Let’s assume you don’t have a local friend to exercise with. Maybe you’ve just moved to a new town or maybe you’re just trying something different. Don’t worry, you can find people to exercise with right on your phone, and it’s not hard at all. WellSquad is an app that allows you to be matched with your ideal workout partner, and before you know it, you’ll be meeting your goals. WellSquad matches you with those who have similar fitness goals, motivation, and even ideal location. You might even be matched with your next door neighbor .¨ talk about a great way to meet a new friend!
Gym Comrade
If you’re tired of spending the time to search for a partner, then Gym Comrade is for you. Once again, it’s an app that allows you to easily communicate with a new gym partner, arrange workout times, and get to pumping. You can even use it to find gyms in your local area .¨ that’s cool.
Much like the others, SparkPeople can be used to match with like-minded individuals who are ready to get out of their house and start exercising. You can browse through search results, find someone who appears to be a good fit, and leave a comment on their SparkPage.
FitLink, like the others, helps you to find those near you who have similar goals, giving you all the motivation you need to head outdoors in the morning, afternoon, or evening.
Exercising is hard, but it’s going to be even harder if you don’t have someone to hold you accountable. It’s easy to slack off when no one is watching, but if someone is with you every step of the way, you’re going to be more motivated to continue .¨ use one of these apps, but first, make sure you don’t have a friend willing to go all the extra miles with you.