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Mastering the Art of Meal Prep: Time-Saving Tips for Healthy and Delicious Plant-Based Meals

Finding the time to make nutritious and delicious meals can, at times, feel a bit overwhelming. We live busy and stressful lives, and sometimes the last thing that we want to do when arriving home is cook dinner. And there’s no shame in that! Even though eating out for every meal sounds like a dream, realistically speaking, that would be way too expensive. That’s where meal-prepping comes into place. A good meal prep not only saves you time, money, and stress, but it also guarantees that you eat healthful plant-based meals. So let’s learn a bit more about the art of meal-prepping. 

Plan ahead

The key to good meal prep is planning ahead of time. Begin by making a weekly meal plan that includes a range of plant-based meals that you want to try. Consider your food choices, nutritional requirements, and any special goals you have in mind. Make a detailed shopping list of all the ingredients you’ll need after your meal plan is ready. Before you go food shopping, take a quick overview of your pantry to see what you currently have available. Planning your meals ahead of time not only saves you time but also ensures you have all the items you need when it comes time to prepare.

Batch cooking

When it comes to meal planning, batch cooking is a lifesaver. Set aside a certain period, such as a quiet Sunday afternoon, to make big amounts of key ingredients such as grains, legumes, and roasted vegetables. Prepare a large batch of quinoa, chickpeas, or lentils to use as a good base for most of your meals throughout the week. You can also roast a pan of veggies to use in salads, stir-fries, or grain bowls. By cooking these ingredients beforehand, you will not only save time during the week. You will also feel a lot less frustrated once you actually have to prepare your meals. 

Make sure everything is stored properly

Maintaining freshness along with quality of your cooked food demands proper storage. To keep ingredients and meals fresh for longer, invest in airtight containers, glass jars, and resealable bags. Divide larger amounts into separate servings for quick grab-and-go dinners. Label your containers with the name and date to help you keep track of the rotation. Organize your refrigerator and pantry by putting similar things together. This way, when it comes time to put together your meals, you can immediately find the parts you need, saving you time and energy.

Pop your leftovers in the freezer

Freezing is a fantastic tool for extending the perks of your meal prep efforts. When you have leftover cooked meals or extra ingredients, place them in freezer-safe containers or bags and freeze them. This way, you’ll always have a ready-made meal option that can be quickly de-frozen and enjoyed on busy days when cooking from scratch feels overwhelming. Freezing not only keeps your meals fresh, but it also helps to decrease food waste. And that’s not only great for your wallet, but the environment too!


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