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How Monica Bellucci Maintains Her Timeless Beauty? 

Monica Bellucci has a face that can magnetize people. She has a successful career in acting and modeling because of her natural beauty and talent. In fact, she is considered one of the beauty icons of all time. Of course, she also takes care of her beautiful face and body to look fabulous throughout the years. Today, the award-winning actress is admired by many women because of her timeless appearance. The good news is that she has shared her beauty secrets in various interviews to inspire women. So, here are the beauty tips and tricks you can learn from Monica Bellucci

Prioritize Skincare 

Monica Bellucci has luminous and radiant skin because she prioritizes skincare. In fact, the supermodel didn’t have any cosmetic procedures. Instead, she enjoyed the changes in her skin as she aged. Her secret to a youthful glow at age 59 is her meticulous skincare routine. 

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According to the beautiful actress, she always removes her makeup before going to sleep because she believes that the skin should be allowed to breathe. As such, she cleanses her face with a gentle cleanser at night and in the morning. Afterward, she applies a moisturizing serum, face cream, and body lotion to lock in moisture and keep her skin hydrated. Also, the supermodel never goes outdoors without applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect her skin.  

Lip Care 

One of the best beauty tips and tricks you can learn from Monica Bellucci is about lip care. In fact, the award-winning actress believes that the lips are a crucial part of the face because they help you “speak, eat, and kiss.” As such, she always keeps her lips moisturized because her full lips are prone to dryness. Also, she mentioned that the lips will look young and luscious if they are always moisturized. 

The supermodel encourages women to experiment with different lipstick colors. She also recommends wearing a shade that expresses your mood. For these reasons, she always tries new colors and wears vibrant shades to uplift her mood. However, she thinks that bright red lipstick signifies “dynamism and fearless beauty,” making it her favorite shade. 

Wear  Minimal Makeup

In terms of makeup, Monica Bellucci likes to keep it simple because she is a fan of the “naked” face or the natural look. As such, the famous actress prefers to wear minimal makeup. 

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Monica Bellucci uses a creamy foundation (Dolce & Gabbana Perfect Finish Creamy Foundation) as a base. From there, she focuses on her eye makeup instead of her face to accentuate her Italian eyes. The beautiful model likes to apply natural shades, such as gray and brown, on her eyelids. Then, she completes her eye makeup with mascara (Dolce & Gabbana Intense Eye Mascara). Also, the actress prefers natural lipstick shades for her lips; however, she would use red or a vibrant shade for special events. 

Hair Care

Another excellent advice on this list of beauty tips and tricks you can learn from Monica Bellucci is taking care of your hair. After all, the hair is a woman’s crowning glory. The reason is that you will feel more confident when you have healthy and shiny hair. 

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The beautiful actress shares in an interview that she only washes her tresses twice a week because she believes that the chemicals in shampoo can damage her strands when used unnecessarily. She also dilutes the shampoo in water to reduce the amount of alkaline. Afterward, she would air dry her hair instead of using a blow dryer. In fact, the supermodel avoids using styling tools, such as straightening iron, curling iron, and hairdryer. Also, she applies olive oil on her tresses instead of a hair mask. Remember, olive oil is an excellent haircare product because of its moisturizing effects, which makes your hair look healthy and shiny. 

Healthy Lifestyle 

As an Italian, Monica Bellucci loves to eat. However, she follows a Mediterranean diet rich in veggies, fruits, lean proteins, and olive oil. Aside from foods rich in antioxidants, the supermodel eats food rich in healthy fats, such as nuts and avocado, to nourish her skin. Also, she drinks lots of water to keep her skin well-hydrated. 

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As mentioned, Monica Belluci loves to eat. As such, she maintains her slim figure through portion control and exercises. In an interview, the actress said that physical fitness is one of the secrets to her ageless beauty. To be specific, she likes to swim for 45 minutes four days a week. She also does yoga and Pilates to tone her body and reduce stress. Other workouts she likes are cardio workouts, kickboxing, and capoeira. 


Monica Bellucci maintains her ageless appearance through a healthy lifestyle, an excellent beauty routine, and a positive outlook on aging. As mentioned, the actress embraces the aging process because she believes that beauty is about feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin. Nevertheless, she still takes care of her face and body to look young and beautiful. As presented, there are several beauty tips and tricks you can learn from Monica Bellucci. You can follow them to achieve a youthful glow and feel fabulous no matter your age.

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