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4 Green Swaps You Can Make in Your House Today

Most of us lead busy lives, juggling several roles and responsibilities. So, taking the time to make changes to your carbon footprint may seem like an overwhelming task. Fortunately, this doesn’t need to be a massive undertaking, and even small steps can make a real difference. You can have a greener household in no time by following the tips below. Do your part for the environment with these eco-friendly product swaps.

1. Make Food Storage Swaps

One of easiest swaps you can make is using beeswax wrap instead of cling-film. This piece of plastic may seem harmless and convenient, but it will stick around forever in landfills and may even make its way to the ocean. Beeswax wrap is easy to find in stores, and you can use it just like plastic wrap. Other Eco-friendlier options are biodegradable baking paper or kitchen foil which can be recycled. You can take things a step further and simply use a plate to cover your food. Another way to do your part for the environment is by using reusable glass dishes instead of disposable ones. Try carrying your own travel cup or containers when getting coffee or take out.

2. Use Glass in The Microwave Instead of Plastic

It’s a good idea to swap out your plastic dishes for microwave-safe glass or ceramics. Plastics contain hormone-disrupting compounds which can leach into your food when they are heated. Even so-called “microwave-safe” versions that are free of BPA or bisphenol-A contain harmful chemicals. They are labeled this way only because they can withstand higher temperatures without losing their shape. So, always take the safe route and stick with biodegradable dishes when popping something into the microwave. This is not only better for you but also helps the planet.

3. Use Laundry Detergent Alternatives

Your big bottle of laundry detergent could be more harmful to the environment than you think. There are plenty of more sustainable options out there like soap nuts. They resemble small nuts but are actually berries that naturally release soap when mixed with water. They are extremely easy to use and can be reused several times. Simply place them in a small wash bag and toss them into your machine when doing laundry.

4. Use Energy Efficient Bulbs

Switching out your incandescent light bulbs and using energy efficient models instead is one of the easiest ways to improve your carbon footprint. You can choose from either LED or CFL lights depending on your preference and budget. These last much longer than old-fashioned bulbs and use less energy, saving you money in the long run.


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