What exactly defines this new generation of millennials and their lifestyle?
By now, most of us know who the Millennials are. This generation is also known as Generation Y, directly following Generation X. There are not exact dates that mark the beginning of this generation. However, many typically see 1980 as a start date. The concept that defines this generation is that they are the persons who will be becoming “of age” during the change of the millennium. The parents of Millennials are usually baby boomers or the older side of the Generation X group. Millennials are also the largest generation in history, with more 80 million Millennials in the US alone!
This generation is characterized by an acute understanding of media, social media, communications and digital technology. But what are the other hallmarks of this unique generation?
VIVA GLAM did its own survey and found out these interesting characteristics of Millennials. First, we asked what topics they enjoyed reading about. Health and wellness rated high, as did beauty and fashion. Surprisingly, dating and relationships and celebrity gossip rated low. Perhaps this is due in part to the roles for Millennials in society being more varied than ever before. Traditionally in previous generations, couples would get married early and raise a family. There was typically a one-person income that was supplied by the husband. And the wife stayed home to take care of the children. Now however, Millennials are waiting longer before marriage and both sexes are forging careers rather than just men. As a result, dating and marriage may not be on the minds of Millennials as much as the generations before them. Also, as Millennials are engaged in busy, fulfilled lives of their own, they are not seeking fulfillment through celebrities’ lives as much as the generation before. Whereas many women stayed home with children and watched soap operas a generation prior, many are out in the workforce living active lives of their own.
Today, it can be said that reality television has replaced the soap opera. But when asked if Millennials watch reality television, less than 40% said yes! Once again, this might be attributed to the busy and engaging lives many Millennials lead.
As stated previously, this generation is well versed in social media. When asked if they followed celebrities on their social media, less than 30% did. This might be partly due to the fact that social media has the power to make anyone known. In this sense, the definition of “celebrity” has changed. What was once reserved only for the top musicians, actors, political figure, or professional athletes, is now attainable to just about all. Anyone can upload a video to YouTube and become an internet sensation. Makeup artists on Instagram have followers in the millions. Therefore, Millennials might choose to follow people they know through social media rather than those they don’t know personally.
When asked what type of beauty products they wear, Millennials preferred cruelty-free over drug store brands, spa products, and higher end specialty items! This shows that this generation is more acutely aware of environmental, and social and animal rights issues than the generations before them. Social media has helped bring light to various injustices in many industries that were previously unknown. These include but are not limited to animal cruelty and human rights issues. As a result, many consider Millennials to be the most conscious and compassionate generation in history! What great hope for the future!
Surprisingly, this generation still likes luxury too. And this was illustrated when we asked where they would like to go for dinner and when they travel where would they like to stay. Millennials prefer a romantic place for fine dining. And if they travel, they like to stay at a higher end resorts. This tech-savvy generation is the most educated in Western history and therefore has a high-income potential so why not splurge a bit if you can?
Educated, tech savvy, civic-oriented, entrepreneurial, global citizens, diverse, confident and progressive. We salute the Millennial generation because they will make the world a more compassionate and conscious place for generations to come!
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