As a fitness trainer and model, I get asked over and over what do I eat to get a physique like mine. Many people expect me to be on a “diet”. No, I don’t diet. I eat real whole foods and follow a healthy lifestyle. I set a few simple guidelines with myself that I practice on a daily basis. In fact, I have come up with the top 10 Fit Chic eating principles for you.
Note: when trying something new, please be patient, it takes time to achieve results.
Fit Chic Eating Principles:
1. Eat 4-5 small meals a day. 3-4 hours apart.
2. Watch your portions and don’t overeat. Eat till you are pleasantly satisfied not full or stuffed.
3. Eat real whole foods. Stick to foods that have one ingredient. (Almonds, apple, beans, ect…)
4. Eat more veggies than fruit. Eat two or three servings of fruit and 5 to 9 servings of veggies a day. Green veggies are the best for you.
5. Raw is better. Try to eat 70-80% of your diet raw. Very rich in enzymes. This helps nourish and heal the body.
6. Do not use sugar or salt on food. If you want to season your food use fresh garlic, oregano, ginger, cayenne pepper, basil, marjoram, tumeric, fresh lemon, lime, cinnamon, or stevia.
7. Drink lots of water. Ditch the soda, energy drinks, or sugary fake fruit juices. If you want sweet, add Stevia to lime or lemon to water. Water will help flush the toxins out of your system.
8. Avoid processed foods that come in a box or a bag with a list of ingredients you can’t pronounce, chances are it was man made in a lab or factory.
9. Always pack snacks with you. You never know when hunger will strike. Better to eat a healthy snack now than binge on bad food later.
10. For a healthy lifestyle-Eat 80% real whole foods and the other 20% enjoy life’s pleasures.
You have to live a little bit, right?