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The Benefits of a Digital Detox

Technology has given us a lot of advantages. For instance, it allows us to connect with people from around the world. However, it also has some disadvantages. For one, it negatively affects your mental health, especially when you spend too much time on social media and with your other digital gadgets. The good news is that you can do a digital detox for an hour, a day, or longer to unplug and disconnect from your digital devices. When done regularly, you can gain several perks. So, what are the benefits of a digital detox?

Reduces Digital Eye Strain

People who often work in front of a computer experience blurry vision, dry eyes, neck pain, and headaches. Some people who spend hours scrolling their social media accounts may also notice these symptoms. The reason is that these symptoms are associated with digital eye strain, which is caused by staring at a screen for too long.

There are numerous ways to relieve digital eye strain. One, in particular, is through a digital detox. In fact, even an hour of digital detox can give your eyes some rest. You can also take longer breaks for a more refreshing feeling.

Boosts Mental Health

One of the best benefits of a digital detox is it improves your mental health. As you know, many people develop stress and anxiety when they spend too much time on social media. The reason is due to the pressure brought by social comparison. The good news is that you can reduce stress and anxiety by limiting your social media use. A digital detox will also help boost your confidence and strengthen in-person interactions.

Improves Sleep

Another great benefit of a digital detox is it improves your sleep. To explain further, your brain procedures melatonin at night to help you sleep. However, digital screens from your tablet or smartphone emit blue light that lets your brain produce less melatonin. As a result, you may experience sleep problems, including insomnia and short duration of sleep.

A great way to improve your sleep is to do a digital detox an hour or two before going to bed. That way, you can let your brain produce enough melatonin to help your sleep better. Remember, your overall health will improve if you get enough sleep daily.

Final Thoughts

Technology may have offered great advantages to our lives. However, it can also negatively affect our health. As presented, there are numerous benefits of a digital detox. As such, you will feel better and healthier if you take a break from your digital devices regularly. Remember, a digital detox doesn’t have to be long. An hour or two is enough to reap its perks. However, you will notice better benefits if you unplug for a day or longer.

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