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Naomi Campbell Reveals Her Anti-Aging Beauty Secrets 

Naomi Campbell is one of the most sought-after supermodels of all time. After all, she is the first black model to grace the cover of Time Magazine and French Vogue. While she is blessed with great beauty and radiant complexion, the supermodel also spends a lot of time caring for her skin and body to achieve timeless beauty. In fact, she shared some of her age-defying secrets to inspire women to look young and radiant as they age. So, here are the beauty tips from Naomi Campbell.  

Thorough Skincare Routine

Naomi Campbell believes you can get a flawless complexion and maintain your skin’s elasticity at any age if you have a thorough skincare routine. As such, she always cleanses her face and removes makeup with a cleansing cream and liquid soap every night. The beautiful model also exfoliates her face at least twice a week. When taking a shower, she uses baby soap to cleanse her body. 

An age-defying secret of Naomi Campbell is to allow her skin to breathe when she has no work. In fact, she goes makeup-free when she doesn’t have to wear makeup because she believes that makeup and heavy moisturizers can clog the pores. 

Proper Hydration and Moisturizer 

Proper hydration and the use of moisturizer is one of the best beauty tips from Naomi Campbell. In fact, the supermodel believes in the beauty philosophy that “moisture is the key to healthy and youthful skin.” Her mother has also taught her to moisturize her skin. As such, she has been caring for her skin since childhood. 

In her YouTube video, Naomi Campbell shared that she keeps her skin moisturized because she likes it to appear “greasy and oily.” As such, her beauty regimen includes several moisturizing products, including paper masks, creamy masks, and face masks. She also applies Biofirm Lift cream and an eye cream on her face.


Aside from moisturizing products, Naomi Campbell uses serums to achieve a radiant and flawless complexion. In her YouTube video, she applied a serum that she made herself. The serum is a mixture of hyaluronic acid, vitamin E oil, and vitamin C powder. These three ingredients are well-known for their moisturizing and anti-aging effects. 

Zinc Face Mist 

Another age-defying secret from Naomi Campbell is using a face mist with zinc. In her YouTube video, the supermodel shared that she spritzes La Roche-Posay Serozinc Toner for Oily Skin with Zinc on her face after cleansing. While the supermodel didn’t mention her reasons for using the products, beauty experts shared that zinc has several beauty benefits. For one, it has anti-inflammatory properties that can help improve acne. It can also help control your skin’s oil production. Also, it can help minimize the appearance of fine lines and boost collagen production. 


One of the best beauty tips from Naomi Campbell is to use a microneedling roller. Microneedling is a clinical procedure that involves prickling the skin with sterilized needles. However, you can perform it at home using a microneedling roller. According to the supermodel, she’s doing it so that the serum can go deep into her skin, making it more effective. 

Many beauty experts shared that microneedling can make a skincare product more effective because the technique allows about 70% of the product’s active ingredient to enter the skin. As such, it can help solve any skin problems much faster because the active ingredients can penetrate the skin and get to work. Aside from those benefits, microneedling can also help boost collagen production and make the skin look plump. 

Caring for  Her Body and Health

The last and most important advice on this list of beauty tips from Naomi Campbell is to take care of your body and health. In fact, the supermodel gets her energy from fresh fruits and vegetables instead of sugary products. She also tries to avoid sugar as much as possible. 

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Naomi Campbell never drinks coffee. Instead, she would drink green tea when she needs caffeine. She also starts her morning by drinking hot water with lemon and probiotics. Aside from herbal teas, the supermodel also likes drinking green juices.

The supermodel also maintains her timeless beauty and slim figure through regular workouts. Some of the exercises she likes are yoga, Pilates, cardio workouts, and resistance training.  

Final Thoughts  

Overall, these are the beauty tips from Naomi Campbell. As presented, the supermodel is admired by many women because of her natural beauty. She also has a radiant and youthful complexion at age 54 because of her thorough skincare routine. The most important part of her beauty regimen is ensuring that she takes care of her body and health by eating clean and exercising regularly. Remember, you can have radiant and youthful skin at any age if you care for your skin and live a healthy lifestyle. 

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