They are the best hair to match caucasian hair
The market for human hair is enormous. The choice of what is available to use for wigs, weaves and hair extensions is also vast. The ideal hair to source for clients who use hair extensions are those that can best match their hair colour and texture. Hair is sourced from all over the world so the quality differs a lot. It comes from India, Peru, Brazil, Mongolia, Romania, Russia, Ukraine and China. Because it is shipped worldwide, prepared and packaged in China, it makes it difficult to identify the real source. So some mislabelling may occur. The proof is in how long the hair extensions last.
According to the the hair extensions specialist Exten’s Hair, the most favourable which is of really good quality is Indian hair that is sourced from the temples. This hair is referred to as Remy hair because it comes directly from a donor and has not been chemically treated before. This makes it ideal and is the best hair to match to Caucasian hair.
There are many reasons why the Indian hair from the temples is of good quality and higher grade. Firstly it is cut and bound in a ponytail from one donor. So the cuticle is facing the same direction. This outer layer of a hair then prevents tangling and knotting of the hair extensions. Other types of hair are chemically treated to remove the cuticle and although this solves the tangling problem, it lowers the quality of the hair. Hence Indian hair from temples is superior.
Secondly, the hair is cut from the donor’s head in one direction to ensure the integrity of the cuticle. This makes the hair less prone to mangling. Each bundle is sorted, sanitized and prepared for a weave, wig or hair extension. This allows for the hair to be a premium quality by retaining its 100% human hair and is then sold in one solid bundle.
Third, Indian hair collected from temples is referred to as Remy because of the process in which it is collected. It also lasts for a number of years if well cared for and is worth the money you invest initially.
Indian temple hair has become the most sought hair for making extensions, wigs and weaves. It blends well with a variety of Caucasian hair because of its high quality. Even when it is bleached to make it in lighter colours all the way to blonde, it still retains its natural qualities. The darkness of the hair makes it blend with a lot of other hair.
The Indian temple hair has a medium texture that makes it blend very well with most hair textures especially Caucasian. It is a texture not as fine as European hair and not as thick as Chinese hair. You can match it to very curly or light wavy hair. Indian temple hair can be blow dried just as you would your natural hair, even use a flat iron. It is easy to manage without losing its lustre. This makes it versatile and popular amongst hairstylists and clients. The European market tends to favour straight hair.
The pricing is affected by whether the hair is single or double drawn. In both cases the hair is from a single donor. The difference is the lengths of the hair. Single drawn hair means there is a mixture of long and short hair therefore the ends will be slightly thinner. Double drawn hair involves the painstaking process of ensuring all the hair strands are the same length. The hair is thicker at the base with the cuticles remaining intact. Because of the extensive preparation process, the cost is slightly higher. The Caucasian market is the biggest market that consumes Indian temple hair because they are the best matches for their hair.