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Are Conservative Women More Attractive Than Liberal Women?

Beauty, they say, is in the eye of the beholder. But does the beholder’s political ideology influence their perception of beauty? It’s a provocative question that stirs considerable debate: Are conservative women perceived as more attractive than liberal women, or is it the other way around? I know that this isn’t our usual thing to discuss. However, you can’t deny that what we perceive as beautiful and charismatic is closely linked to our political affiliations. No matter where you may stand on this topic, let’s try to explore it from a neutral perspective.

The Influence of Cultural and Social Norms

Let’s take a look at cultural and social norms. It’s no secret that both of these things influence what we think is attractive. For example, conservative ideologies tend to emphasize tradition, order, and often a more conventional approach to roles in society. And this just has to extend to appearance. Conservative women tend to be a bit more classic. Their fashion choices can be a bit more modest. Their way of doing their hair and makeup is a bit more shy and minimalistic. And finally — the way they act and present themselves to the world is often influenced by their perceptions of societal gender norms.

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In contrast, liberal ideologies often embrace change, diversity, and the breaking of conventional norms. Which can be reflected in more varied and unconventional expressions of beauty. From being more open to experimenting with hair and makeup as a way of self-expression, to even taking it a step further with piercings and tattoos. In addition to that, their fashion style may also be a bit more extravagant. Of course, none of these things mean that a liberal woman can’t enjoy a more modest look, or vice versa.

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The Power of Media Representation

It would be naive to think that the media doesn’t play a significant role in the shaping of our perceptions of attractiveness. In fact, different media platforms will feed us different ideas of the “ideal woman”. Conservative media might highlight a more traditional, sometimes glamorized portrayal of femininity—think polished, poised, and often adhering to high beauty standards. The one person that comes to my mind is Ivanka Trump. On the other hand, liberal media might celebrate a broader spectrum of beauty that includes alternative, less conventional looks. One that I could think of is Megan Fox. Sure, she’s undeniably gorgeous. However, her recent appearance is definitely liberal. We’re talking colorful hair, sleeve tattoos, and a provocative sense of fashion.

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New York, NY – June 9, 2022: Colson Baker aka Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox attend North America premiere of film Taurus during Tribeca Film Festival at Beacon Theater

Psychological Factors and Attraction

Psychological research suggests that people are often attracted to those who share similar values and beliefs, which can include political ideology. This similarity attracts principle can make individuals within the same political group find each other more attractive than those outside it. Therefore, the question of whether conservative women are more attractive than liberal women might depend largely on who is being asked.

If you’re a conservative yourself, chances are that you find other conservatives more attractive too. Of course, that doesn’t always have to be the case. More often than not our political views aren’t visible right away. However, after actually engaging with a person, you’ll not only determine their attractiveness based on how they look, but their other traits too. And that includes our political ideologies. So, while attractiveness is a complex topic, determining if one group of women is more attractive than the other solely based on their political views is just impossible to do.


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