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What Judging Others Teaches Us About Ourselves

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Making a New Habit

Awareness that we judge others is the first order of business in allowing judgments to teach us about ourselves. Being aware that we judge ourselves is the second order of business. As we open our minds to the truth of what’s really going on within us, we will begin healing what has held us back and made us unhappy in our lives. The third piece of breaking free from judgments is acceptance.

Acceptance is the antidote to judgment. This means accepting ourselves and others. By accepting ourselves and others we are saying, “It’s ALL okay”. We are saying, “The way I am is okay and the way you are is okay. My way is not better than yours and vice versa.”

Accepting ourselves as we are doesn’t mean we don’t do things different that we do now; it just means we don’t feel bad about what we do or don’t do. This is not a substitute for morality. In fact, accepting ourselves and others has nothing to do with morality and everything to do with correcting an error in our training. So, perhaps we can practice saying, “Okay” when someone says something to us; we no longer have to take it personally or react defensively. We can accept that others have different opinions and just let that be as it is. Once we are aware of this mechanism, it is a matter of breaking a habit. All habits can be broken. When this one breaks, real love rises to the surface.

What is real love? It is love without conditions. Non-judgment is an aspect of real love. So, what really happens when we stop judging ourselves and others is that we experience real love. Acting in a loving manner allows us to experience life as it really is and people as they really are, including ourselves. This is an amazing perspective, but most of us don’t even know who we without judgments. Don’t you think it’s time for us to get to know the real person we call “me”? If so, then do yourself a favor and practice non-judgment every chance you get. Accept and love. It’s time.

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