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What Infertility Treatments are Available?

Let’s discuss male and female infertility.

The term “infertility” in the medical field applies to couples who are of childbearing age and, if they have an active sex life, cannot conceive a child. This is one of the scariest diagnoses for a couple who dreams of becoming parents.

What could be the causes of male infertility?

Defects in the structure of the genital organs, anatomical abnormalities, ejaculatory, sexual, genetic and immunological disorders, inflammation, endocrine dysfunction. The list of male infertility types is slightly shorter:

  1. Excretory – difficult passage of sperm through the seminal canal.
  2. Autoimmune – appears as a consequence of the immune response in the blood tackle natural barrier between blood vessels or vas deferens. In this case, sperm is perceived as a foreign invasion of the body.
  3. Secretory – impaired maturation, as well as sperm production.
  4. Combined – impaired sperm maturation and an obstacle to ejaculation.
  5. Relative – when there is no apparent reason.

To diagnose male infertility, you can use methods such as ultrasound, examination of the state of the prostate, investigation of a urologist and sperm. Some types of male infertility can be cured with surgical intervention, and for the treatment of others it is enough to adhere to the therapy prescribed by the doctor.

 What about female infertility? Consider the types:

  • Absolute infertility – inability to conceive a child when irreversible physiological changes are present in the body. It is incurable.
  • Relative infertility is treatable; its causes can be eliminated.

They also distinguish between primary infertility (if there has never been a pregnancy) and secondary (if there has been at least one pregnancy).

The psychological state is also a very important factor. Depression, guilt, anger and anxiety – even one of the items listed, reduces the chance of getting pregnant by 50%.

Infertility treatment consists of taking medication prescribed by a doctor or surgical intervention. Medications, for the most part, are prescribed hormones, and as for surgical procedures, it can be laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.

Auxiliary treatment methods are also used, such as:

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF) – when the process of fertilizing an ovum with a sperm occurs in the laboratory, then this ovum is planted in a woman’s body.
  • Intrauterine insemination – insertion of sperm into the uterus using a catheter.
  • Ovum donation.
  • Surrogacy.

If you have been diagnosed with infertility, this is not the end. After reading this article, you can see that there is an extensive database of methods for treating such a terrible diagnosis. Of course, to wait for the moment when you can hold the child in your arms, you need to be patient. But it’s worth it! Our center – IVF group – will help you experience the joy of parenthood.


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