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The Best Facial Yoga Exercises for Firmer and More Youthful Appearances 

Facial yoga has become popular because of its anti-aging effects. Plus, it’s a natural way to look younger. So, how is facial yoga done? It involves several movements and massages that can help reduce fine lines, relax facial muscles, and alleviate tension. To give you a better view, here are some of the best facial yoga exercises for a firmer and youthful appearance.

1. Lion’s Breath

The lion’s breath is a breathing exercise that relaxes your facial muscles and helps reduce stress.

You can begin this exercise by sitting and leaning forward while placing your hands on the floor or knees. Then, take a deep breath through your nose. Afterward, stick your tongue out, stretching it toward your chin. Exhale while saying “ha” and relax. You can repeat the process up to seven times and breathe deeply every one to three minutes.

2. Brow Smoother

The brow smoother is one of the best facial yoga exercises for a firmer and youthful appearance. After all, it relaxes the frontalis muscle, the large muscle on your forehead. As you know, this muscle is often overused, resulting in rigidity, stiffness, and tension.

To do this facial yoga exercise, you can start by placing your fingers at your forehead’s center. From there, gently press your forehead, moving toward your temples. You can repeat the process until you feel calm and relaxed.

3. Eye Circles

Eye circles is another excellent facial yoga exercise because it improves blood flow around your eyes. Also, it helps reduce puffiness.

You can start this exercise by placing your ring finger on the inside portion of your eyebrows. From there, gently tap the area moving toward the outer part of your eyebrows. Afterward, gently press your temples. Then, move above your cheekbones and tap toward the inner portion of your eyes.

4. Face Tapping

Face tapping can improve blood flow, giving your skin a healthy glow. Also, it relaxes your facial muscles.

To do face tapping, you can start tapping rhythmically, beginning at your forehead and moving toward your jaw. Then, tap at the front part of your jaw, moving to your shoulders. From there, tap at the back part of your neck, going to your head. Afterward, rub your palms and cover your face while taking a few deep breaths.

Final Thoughts

Overall, these are some of the best facial yoga exercises for a firmer and more youthful appearance. Remember, this practice is an excellent self-care technique you can include in your beauty regimen. Aside from being free, you can also do it anywhere. The best part is that it can also make you feel calm and relaxed. As such, it is also beneficial for your overall well-being.

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