I am always looking for alternative ways to help keep my body healthy and strong. Unfortunately I have Rheumatoid Arthritis so some days my body can’t handle the conventional exercise of running, lifting weights and even yoga.
Although I absolutely love physical exercise, some days it is better that I take it easy and rest from too much exertion. My job requires that I stay in perfect physical shape so this compromising situation has had me seek other ways to stay fit and feel better at the same time. Here are my top 5 favorite things to do outside your conventional work out. You can try them on your off days to help maintain your health or to help speed up recovery time from hard work outs. The benefits far exceed my expectations.
- Whole body vibration machine-The machine does all the work! You have the choice how hard you want it to be. Just 20 min on this machine is equal to an hour workout.
Best of all, it is scientifically proven to increase circulation and build bone density! I love this machine, even on days where I just stand there, I can still feel my body getting firmer and more toned. Of course, if you are feeling strong and want more of a work out you can do squats, hand weights and planks while on the machine.
- Infrared light sauna-I started doing this to help with inflammation I had from having Rheumatoid Arthritis, but the other benefits are amazing too! You can burn up to 600 calories in 30 minutes just laying there relaxing. It is recommended for pms, skin problems, strengthening your immune system and cardiovascular system. It also helps to detox and rid your body of toxins. The healing powers of this machine are amazing!
- Rheumatic Compression-This is a suit you put on your arms and legs that is like having a dozen people massage you at once. The compression promotes lymphatic drainage that can reduce cellulite! It also cleanses the body by removing toxins and assists your body in fighting diseases like fibromyalgia and other auto immune diseases.
- Oxygen Therapy-This is a revolutionary hand held device that delivers CO2 into the body on a molecular form. It increases oxygen levels to areas that need it.
I was recommended by someone to be some what of a Guinea pig for my chronic illness. I was amazed at how the swelling and stiffness in my joints went away and I had more energy!
The best part is they market this product more for its beauty benefits. It can help with acne, wrinkles, spider veins, stretch marks and cellulite! Click here to check out invisiderm!
- Orgasms-This is the most pleasurable one of all but most underestimated. Some people would actually rather go to the gym then have sex but whether its private time alone or with your partner, having an orgasms has all kinds of health benefits. From reducing stress and pain to helping you stay in shape. Studies show that people who had fewer orgasms were twice as likely to die of any cause as those who had two or more orgasms a week! More specifically on cardiovascular health found that having sex three or more times a week was associated with a 50% reduction in the risk of heart attack or stroke. I think that’s enough motivation to get you going!
*My favorite place to go for the first three suggestions is Firm Body Evolution. Located in Los Angeles, California.
Click here to sign up and find out more information about these amazing machines!
Check out my personal blog for more inspiration www.thegoldensecrets.org.