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Nadja Atwal Is The Sexiest Power Woman Of All Time

When Nadja walks into a room, everyone notices her. Both men and women. She exudes confidence, mystery, power, sex appeal and you immediately want to know who she is. You can tell she is extremely bright and smart and when you talk to her, you find a very genuine and kind woman within her. Nadja is also very beautiful and classy. I've seen Nadja perform miracles over the years as she turned some ordinary women into extraordinary women.

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As a media expert what were the recent media topics that made you angry?

There are the political topics like the Gaza conflict which I feel is nothing but repetition with innocent people, mainly children, suffering the consequences. Or, the Egypt situation where it seems things have gone from bad to worse when we all had such high hopes for a better future once the people successfully fought for more freedom.

Fur is always a big winter topic and it is just so silly when people say: “Why should people not wear fur, when we all wear leather?” Or: “It’s freedom of choice.” Everyone should always feel compelled to make steps in the right direction and from what I have gathered, fur is the most unnecessary, stupid, cruel product in the world I can think of. When torture of a living being is involved, like fur farm methods where animals are being electroshocked or skinned alive, it is no longer just an “everyone – his own” situation. I am immensely proud of the city of West Hollywood for recently banning fur sale and I hope this will kick in state wide and beyond.

Another issue is child trafficking. Scenarios like we saw in the film TAKEN and TAKEN 2 are very much a reality. Ending the abducting, selling, enslaving and abusing of children must be on everyone’s priority list.

What’s a perfect day like for you?

Hmmm. If I can pick the absolute best scenario it would be family day on the beach somewhere in Italy or South of France.

What has been the toughest lesson you have learned in life so far?

That kindness is often taken for weakness. Plus how scarily fast people forget.

What has been the sweetest revelation?

That if you do good, good things are more likely to come to you. You should not be calculative based on that knowledge though. Just find pleasure in being the best person you can be.

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