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Nadja Atwal Is The Sexiest Power Woman Of All Time

When Nadja walks into a room, everyone notices her. Both men and women. She exudes confidence, mystery, power, sex appeal and you immediately want to know who she is. You can tell she is extremely bright and smart and when you talk to her, you find a very genuine and kind woman within her. Nadja is also very beautiful and classy. I've seen Nadja perform miracles over the years as she turned some ordinary women into extraordinary women.

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What people do you hang out with?

When we invite our friends over, it’s like a United Nations convention. People from all over the world with all kinds of jobs from scientist to film director to accountant to housewife to the retired attorney turned wine collector.

And they all have a big heart and all kinds of different political views, which I like because I’m always up for a good debate.

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You are in Show Business and your husband is in science . It’s a rare combination. Do you take interest in his work?

Absolutely. He has really opened my eyes up to the exciting DNA research. So many awe-inspiring discoveries are being made and it’s a shame that more people are not being made aware of the groundbreaking medical research that will eventually impact all of us. For example, before my husband told me about his research at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, I never knew that there was a connection between cancer and infertility. Now, I tell everyone. Another thing I have learnt is that funding in basic science is crucial if we are ever to find a cure for many diseases. Analyzing DNA is expensive. However, in this economic climate, it is hard to get governmental grants and this will severely delay finding cures. Fortunately, there are some wonderful philanthropists like Jim Simons who have donated large sums to medical research, and this has already made an impact in our understanding of autism. We need to get more people like him donating money to biomedical research laboratories. My husband thinks we are close to curing many different types of cancer but we will all need to join the effort to make sure this happens in our lifetime.

Let’s talk beauty science! Your skin looks amazing. What are your tips for a better skin?

I don’t ditz around when it comes to skincare and I believe in the powerful stuff straight from the doctor’s office. That means prescription strength retinol cream with added anti-oxidants like Q10 and vitamin E. To me, and many experts, that is still the only magic formula. As for treatments, I like Vitamin C peels and microdermabrasion to even out my skin tone – especially after too much sun exposure during the summer. Also, I recommend wearing 30 SPF daily, sun or rain, and then the most basic advice: sleep 8 hours don’t smoke and don’t drink cocktails or any hard liquor. I prefer to drink wine, beer and champagne only. And I start each day with fresh organic grapefruit juice. Grapefruit is supposedly one of the best foods in the world – so to me it means yummy with benefits. I go easy on coffee and strong on green tea.

Judging by the pictures you and your son Alexus seem to have a blast together. is motherhood as great as you imagined?

Better. I used to laugh when I read interviews where celebrities claimed the best achievement in their life was “being a mother”, but now I feel exactly the same way and I am a bit ashamed of my previous cynical judgment of the celeb moms. I was open to being a mother, but it was my husband who made clear, he really needed me to be into it. So when I married him, I knew it meant trying for a baby was on the menu. Now, I am so in love with being a mom and spending time with my son that my husband always jokes with me “where is my thank you?! I gave you a Speck!” (Speck’ is our son’s nickname). And I take him almost everywhere with me. He is so happy, healthy and curious, that we have been a super team from day one.

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