Angela Martini is one of those rare women; she is half goddess, half woman. She took after her strong and beautiful mother who studied at night to earn her degree in Biology and Chemistry. Years have passed since Angela tied her mother’s underwear up into a pair of stylish shorts and walked down a makeshift catwalk to win the neighborhood’s summer beauty pageant. She was only 7 then but already envisioned herself as a successful international model. Today, she doesn’t even have time to unpack from her previous trip before she starts packing for another.
So, what could some of the top travel tips of an international supermodel be?
Angela, you are CONSTANTLY on the road, so I’m sure you have a few killer travel beauty tips. Can you share your top 3 with our readers?
I will share these important tricks with you. First, when I have very long flights, after I land I often go and take IV vitamin boost. It really helps! In 1 hour you feel full of energy and refreshed against jet lag! The second: I discovered this amazing bracelet from Philip Stein; it helps regulate your sleep once you put it on. Only 30 min later, you are in a deep sleep, and it really works! I always take this with me on the plane, and I often use it at home, as well! And the third: the supplement SuperYou from MoonJuice is for daily stress management, and it improves your energy and mood!
Being a public figure, I assume you always try to look fresh when you land at your destination. What do you do to make sure you’re camera-ready when you land?
I always have different types of facemasks with me, and I use one almost every day.

Have you found your “fountain of youth”, the beauty product you cannot live without?
Unfortunately, not yet. For now, it’s all about the genes. But I am still looking for it, and I hope to get it someday soon.
You are about to release your book, Love, Light, Hope, where you talk about your amazing mother and her story as an immigrant. How long of a flight would you need to take to read through the whole book?
Yes, my book will be released in October of this year. I don’t think you will need more than 5 hours to read it. It’s entertaining, emotional and inspirational, too! The time spent reading will fly, as well.
What lessons do you hope women will take from this book after reading it?
I would say this to any woman: Just imagine a 47-year-old woman who is single with 2 children, living in poorness in Albania without a house because she lost it. She is struggling with a lot of problems, has an income of only 60 dollars a month, and had 2 failed marriages. She becomes a respected University teacher in Zurich Switzerland, finds the true love of her life, obtains a huge salary, and eventually gets rewarded with an UNESCO award for a humanitarian project for women! WHAT’S YOUR EXCUSE?

Have you found your favorite place on earth? What do you love about it?
My favorite place on earth is always the place I haven’t been yet. What do I love about it? I’m in love with the unknown.
You are the perfect mix of true beauty and glam. Are you a glamorous woman behind closed doors? Who can we find behind the closed door?
At home, behind the closed doors, I am still a real Gemini. You can either find me with no make up on, in sweat pants and oversized t-shirts in a lazy mood or the complete opposite – out of the blue with red lipstick on wearing a short skirt or sexy lingerie. It all depends of my mood.
Short dresses or long dresses? Heels or flats?
Both combinations, as long as I feel good in them.

You’ve already accomplished a lot and still seem like you are on a roll. What’s coming after the book?
The most interesting project I am working on right now is probably my second book. It’s a self help book about relationships, based on my psychology and understanding of love. Another two projects I am involved in are 2 short films that I produced, with strong different messages I want to share with the world. One of them is about the philosophical idea of immortality, inspired by the ancient civilization of Sumerians. The second movie is about women trafficking, inspired by a true story. It happened to be in trend with the new women-power movements. And there are some other projects that are too early in development now to talk about.
What is the one most important thing you’ve learned in life that you’d like to pass on?
Oh… I have so many! Now, I will share only two with you. First, you are not your thoughts! The second one is also related to my book. Love each time like you’ve never been hurt before!
MODELS Talk Episode 13: Interview with Angela Martini