Facial masks aren’t a new thing; they’re used by people all over the world to cleanse and tighten the pores, and you know what? It works. But, just like any other beauty product, there are some problems that you might run into and there are some things that you need to avoid. If you’re new to the world of beauty products, one of the issues that we’d like to fil you in on initially is that some of the bigger brands use ingredients that aren’t really trustworthy, and some are outright ineffective. You know what we really like? We like facial masks where you get to choose what the ingredients are, and this article is all about the one facial mask that everyone is doing, for themselves, with ingredients they can find at home.
It’s Time to Get your Hands Dirty
Many of the ingredients used in commercial face masks, we’ve found, cause problems, which normally result in skin breakouts. Fortunately, there are quite a few natural ingredients out there that do a fantastic job of treating facial conditions whether it’s a massive pimple or a blackhead. Overall, the difference has been enough to push us into the realm of DIY facial masks forever, particularly pore minimizing masks .¨ which is what we’re going to share here with you today. It’s time to get your hands dirty and make a mask that you can trust.
The 3 Ingredients you need
If you’ve ever looked at a commercial facial mask there’ s a good chance you’ve seen a laundry list of ingredients, some of which you can’t even pronounce. Would you believe that this facial mask only uses three simple ingredients while keeping your face perfectly clean? The fewer ingredients we can use, the better off we are, and when they’re all natural, it’s even better.
Bentonite Clay
This clay is capable of emitting an electrical charge which changes once mixed with water. It’s able to absorb toxins and clean your face like nothing else.
Matcha Green Tea Powder
If you aren’t already familiar with Matcha, it’s chock full of antioxidants, and it’s an anti-inflammatory, and helps to reduce pore size. In addition to that, it regenerates healthy skin cells.
Activated Charcoal
Finally, we have the key ingredient which helps to bring toxins to the surface so that the other ingredient, Bentonite Cag, can destroy them.
Putting it All Together
Knowing the ingredients is great, but knowing the quantities and what to do with them? That’s priceless. To fully take advantage of the receipt you’re going to need:
- One Half Teaspoon Matcha Green Tea Powder
- One Half Teaspoon Bentonite
- Two Activated Charcoal Capsules
- Two Teaspoons of Filtered Water
Now that you know what you need, follow these steps to make your facial mask:
- Mix Matcha Clay and Charcoal in a Small Bowl
- Add Water Slowly and Stir(Create Paste)
- Clean your Face
- Spread mask Across Face, Leave for 15 Minutes
- Allow Mask to Harden
- Was Face Again
- Moisturize
It’s time to take advantage of these natural ingredients and get your face in shape – it’s one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. We certainly don’t regret it!