Robin McGraw is truly passionate about her roles as wife, activist, business woman, and especially mother and grandmother! It was an honor to speak to her about her family, her skincare line, and her dedication to empowering women through her foundation. She also shared with us the secret to great communication when it comes to her husband, Dr. Phil.
Q: The work you do through When Georgia Smiled: The Robin McGraw Revelation Foundation is truly inspirational. Where does your passion come from for empowering women?
My mother, Georgia, was my first mentor. I credit so much of the woman, wife, mother and grandmother I’ve turned out to be to her influence. What I remember most of all is her smile. Even through the darkest times, my mother never failed to smile. Though she never experienced abuse herself, she taught me the strength of a woman and it is in her honor that I named my Foundation, When Georgia Smiled.
My mother also taught us to protect anyone who may not have the love and support they needed and, sadly, we don’t have to look very far to find those in need. One in four women will fall victim to abuse before they reach the young age of 25 and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention labeled it an American epidemic, yet it’s the most underreported phenomenon in our society. For so long, abuse has been something secret and shameful. I have sat in the audience for every taping of the nearly 2500 episodes of the DR. PHIL show, and I have been most touched by the guests who are courageous enough to share their own experiences of domestic violence in an effort to help others. Witnessing the incredible strength of those men and women moved me to take action and dedicate the next chapter of my life to this cause. I want to give women the fierce strength I learned from my mother. My mission is to give them ability to live joyful lives filled with purpose.
