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How to Write a Good College Essay

Essays are an integral part of daily college life. There is even a high chance you will need it for your college admission. As a result, drafting the perfect essay can mean a world of difference for your admission and grade. Many applicants like you have high test scores and high school grades. The quality of your paper is what sets you apart from the rest. Let us show you some non-technical college essay writing tips for improving your paper. 

College paper writing tips and methods

There is an inexhaustible list of tips we can explore. They include technical and simple ones. But we’ve discovered that students often forget minor details while obsessing over the prominent ones. This article will show you methods for drafting concise, coherent, and accurate essays.  

Define the type of essay

There are many types of essays, and they all have different styles and requirements. The brief usually specify the type of essay you must write. A clear understanding of the demands will guide your narrative results. The common ones include:

  • Definition.
  • Analytical.
  • Personal.
  • Argumentative or persuasive.

A college admissions paper is all about detail. Sometimes, schools trick students with vague instructions. Therefore, take your time with the brief and pay attention to the following:

  • Application deadline.
  • Word count.
  • Topic.

Choose your topic

Essay prompts contain open-ended and broad questions. It allows scholars to choose from different topics. For the best result, we recommend you narrow your focus. You can discuss anything. However, ensure it is something you are passionate about. No one will want to read the topic if you are not interested. We recommend exploring a website that writes essays for topic inspiration and guidance. These sites hire professional writers to complete academic papers. Not only this, but they have samples you should use for drafting great college essays.  

Follow basic structures

All assignments follow the introduction – body – and conclusion structure. Of course, there are variants of body paragraphs. Start with the introduction, transit to the body, and summarize your conclusion. We recommend you use each paragraph to convey an idea and avoid confusing your audience. Also, your conclusion should summarize the information presented in the body.

Look beyond the surface

Facts, figures and descriptive activities don’t impress committees. Instead, they want to know what makes you tick. They want information about your realizations from adversities and success and why you are where you are. For example, if you’re discussing travel destinations that changed your life or winning a tournament, let them know it helped you develop as a leader or inspired your educational journey. 

Try something unique

As you expand on your theme, show, don’t tell. Set the scenes, provide anecdotes, and avoid listing accomplishments. You can even approach the subject from new perspectives by avoiding popular and well-worn themes. Build clear and logical arguments and pen with the mind reader.

Pen the way you speak

When drafting, avoid overly flowery language you won’t use in your daily conversation. The reason is that it shows inauthenticity and doesn’t impress. Instead, use your voice and natural way of speaking. You can even incorporate humor in your article. But be careful, as what you think may not be funny to the officer evaluating your paper. Avoid limericks, one-liners, stereotypes, and jokes about controversial issues. 

Grab the reader’s attention with your introduction

No one will read your article until the end if you can’t capture their attention with the opening paragraph. It is also known as the hook. Start your paper with a powerful question, quote, or bold statement that immediately engages your audience. Whichever writing hook you choose, align it with your thesis and let it serve as the roadmap for presenting the purpose of your work.

Share something personal

Recount personal experiences and open up a little bit. But resist the urge to be too casual or over-share. Readers connect more to vulnerability than strength. More importantly, be yourself. If you’re passionate about any subject, talk about it, even if it is controversial. One way you can do this is through storytelling. Use descriptions, examples, and anecdotes. Also, engage your audience without feeling the urge to demonstrate perfection.

Start early

One of the mistakes undergraduates make is putting off drafting until a few hours before the deadline. Even with the smartest brain, give room for reviews and corrections. When you receive your outline, set it aside and read it again later. After drafting, step away from your desk for a few hours or days to refresh your mind. Then, come at it again with renewed perspectives.

Edit and revise your work

Top essays go through hours of intense work, editing, and revision. Beyond the information you’re presenting, admission officers evaluate writing skills. As a result, never submit your first draft. Pass the article through your friend, parents, or teacher for their eyes and edit. Also, use online grammar and plagiarism checkers to measure uniqueness and detect errors. Take constructive criticism happily and improve your final draft.


Successful admissions essays must communicate something new. It must also align philosophically with the rest of your college application. Start by answering questions posed at the onset and ease into your story. Also, pay attention to form and tone, and don’t forget to edit and proofread before submitting it. Depending on the context, experiment with the unexpected and gently guide your reader through the fun.

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