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Building Healthy Habits: Small Changes to Incorporate Before the New Year

2023 is slowly coming to an end, and most of us are probably trying to come up with resolutions for the New Year. However, who says that you have to wait for January 1st to make new resolutions? We wanted to give you a list of healthy habits that you can incorporate into your daily routine to upgrade your lifestyle before 2024 starts. They are simple, effective, and most importantly—easy to attain.

Create a Morning Ritual

Mornings can be stressful, that’s no secret. However, who says that there isn’t a way to transform your hectic morning buzz into a relaxing ritual? After all, the way you start your day sets the tone for the hours to come. We don’t want to bore you with recommendations such as a 20-minute meditation session or a huge glass of lemon water. Sure, all of these things are amazing. But sometimes they’re just not realistic. One simple thing that you can do is change the way you wake up. Instead of your phone, invest in a real alarm clock. That way you can avoid looking at your phone the second you open your eyes, and you also won’t have to go through a mini heart attack due to the obnoxious iPhone alarm sound.

Make your bed

Now, it’s time to make your bed. This is such a simple but rewarding action. It will take you less than five minutes, and you will feel so grateful when you come back home and your bed is ready for a quick nap. You can play music or your favorite podcast, and just spare a few minutes to make your bed in peace. Finally, it’s time to make your morning tea or coffee. Make sure to prepare everything the night before. Set your favorite mug aside, clean your coffee maker, and make sure your kitchen is nice and tidy so you don’t feel overwhelmed first thing in the morning.

Digital Detox

It’s scary how addicted to our phones we really are. All the mindless scrolling, unnecessary notifications, and social media FOMO are making our lives a lot harder than they have to be. If you want to give your eyes and mind a break from electronic devices, why not start something similar to intermittent fasting? But instead of food, you’re giving up on your phone and computer during a specific time frame. For example, one hour after you wake up, and two hours before you go to bed. This will not only improve your body’s natural circadian rhythm, but also help you calm down before going to sleep, and stay productive during the morning hours.

Exercise in Disguise

Who says that exercise has to feel like a chore? If you’re not really a gym girly, but you still want to move your body, there are plenty of other activities that you can do. Whether it’s dancing to your favorite tunes, embarking on invigorating hikes amidst nature’s beauty, or gathering friends for a spirited game of Frisbee in the local park, there are countless enjoyable ways to stay active. Embrace the physical activities that resonate with you, and you’ll be more likely to maintain them as part of your regular routine. You can also invest in a yoga mat and some simple equipment, and start doing exercise sessions from the comfort of your own home.


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