Glam girls love to wear a daring lipstick shade. Not much makes us feel sexier than going out thinking our lipstick is set to perfection. But when we check our lips in the mirror, we see that our lips are actually dull and smudged. We look more like a sad clown than the diva queen that we envisioned. Since no one will have the guts to give you a heads up that your lipstick needs retouching, you need the tips to make them long-lasting from the get-go. Follow these tips to make sure your color lasts all day.
Prime your lips
You can moisturize and exfoliate all you want, but it’s likely your skin has lines and imperfections that don’t exactly make for the smoothest base. That’s not to say you shouldn’t moisturize and exfoliate .¨ both will help keep your lips healthy and smooth and increase the chances of your lipstick lasting all day – but that can only go so far. Just think about how much you move your lips throughout the day and all the food you’re going to eat and drinks you’ll sip. You put a base on your eyes before adding on the shadow, so why not your lips? Primer to the rescue! Before you put on any color, use it on your lips. You can also add volume by using your best lip plumper first or finding a two-in-one primer and lip plumper. Be patient and wait for it to dry, then move on to the next step.

