Providing the employees in an office with free snacks has become a norm now and you may also think of doing the same. However, people may come up to you to suggest that this is a wrong move and will eat away your profit, but there are a few ‘good’ suggestions like this that are good enough to avoid.
It is true that it will cost you some money to arrange for such food items on a regular basis either by you, or your in-house staff, or order snacks online or hire a healthy snack delivery service. However, the benefits that you will earn will outweigh the expense.
It is due to the innumerable benefits that free snack provision in office provides that has made this approach a standard in almost all offices these days. There is no immediate end to workplace snacking.
Referring to CDC report
People who oppose to office snacking and want an end to it often refers to a particular CDC report food and beverages at work. According to this study it was concluded that in most of the cases it was found that:
The employees that have access to free snacks and beverages at their workplace often end up eating foods that have little to no nutritional value and these foods contain high volume of unwanted elements such as:
- Added sugar
- Sodium and
- Solid fat.
These harmful snack items come in the worst of worst forms that include:
- Pizza
- Cookies
- Cakes
- Brownies
- Pies
- Candy and
- Soft drinks.
The main reason for people opposing to free snacks in office is that they focus only on the issues associated with such findings.
- However, if seen deeply, there surely is an opportunity to drive a positive change that is unparalleled.
- You will also see that the findings of the study do not suggest that all office snacking is bad. It is just that they are more concerned with the unhealthy variety.
In fact, office snacking characterizes one of the principal opportunities that impact the health of the people in their lifetime. This simply due to the fact that it has huge potential to reverse the negative effects usually associated with a poor diet that is so common among millions of workers, all over the world.
Millennials love snacking
It is found that the snacking behavior among people is only increasing. This is simply because millennials love snacking. The proclivity of this generation for new experiences and variety have driven significant disruptive shifts in almost everything. For example:
- Car ownership in the form of Uber and others
- Media consumption through Netflix on mobile phone and others.
It is therefore natural that they will also affect the workplace as well as in the working process.
The same this is applicable for meals as well. According to recent data it is revealed that:
- 94% of consumers snack at least twice in a day
- Snacking accounts for nearly 50% of all eating occurrences and occasions.
Therefore, it is quite natural that there will be a significant increase in snacking in the workplace because the millennials recently have become the largest segment of employees in the workforce.
They love snacking a lot whether they are at work, at home or on the go, and therefore, snacking is not going anywhere. It is for this reason better than eliminating snacking, it will be much, much easier to substitute it with a better alternative. It is highly likely that it will produce positive results. It will also create a dramatic change in the behavior of the employees.
Recognizing is key
Recognizing the fact that snacking has direct and outsized impact on diet and therefore on health is the key. It is found that how people snack actually affects how they eat generally. A study data from one worksite wellness study found that:
- The choice of food items for snacking affected both diet quality as well as BMI and
- When people have more nutritious snack, they will make better meal choices later.
If you wonder why, just think about your own experience. Assume that you have had candy bar at 2:30. At dinner time will you be less or more likely to give in to your cheeseburger craving? In most of the times you would.
This proves that how the younger groups snack will expressively determine how they eat, and how they eat will have a massive impact on how they live. This is due to that fact that nothing in this world will have a greater impact on your life than the foods you eat. That means simply stating your diet is very important will be just an understatement.
Provides a big solution
Most of the people now are very busy, so much so that they do not even have time to have a proper square meal. Recognizing this fact, snacking seems to provide the best solution for this big problem. It is believed that this is ideally the best path forward especially in the workplaces.
There is a host of better-for-you brands that are best on the planet to produce snacks that are:
- Healthy
- Low-glycemic
- Contains healthy fats
- Have lots of lean proteins and most importantly
- Adhere to strict guidelines when it comes to harmful additives and other chemicals.
These snacks are specially designed so that it can keep you fuller for a longer period and thereby prevent sugar and energy crashes. These snacks are also proven to boost cognition ability among the consumers and at the same time satisfy cravings.
In other words, these snacks will never sabotage your health goals or your productivity in the workplace.
Need easy access
All you need is an easy access to these glorious food items. You will need to know that these are the biggest factors for your health and will make the solution simple. Therefore, instead of avoiding those complimentary meals and snacks in your office, go for it. It will help you to improve your eating habits as well as avoid health issues like blood sugar swings.
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