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Which Colors Look Best on Redheads?

Finding clothing colors that compliments your red hair can be a bit challenging. Some redheads don’t wear bright-colored clothes because they fear that the shade may clash with their tresses. However, saturated hues are recommended for women with red hair. To give you a better view, here are some of the best clothing colors for redheads.

1. Blue

Blue is a soothing color, and it can accentuate red hair, thanks to the perfect contrast between the two shades. To be specific, redheads will look stunning on cobalt, navy, and powder blue. Brighter shades, like turquoise blue, are also flattering to your tresses. Denim blue is also a great choice because it can enhance the true color of your strands.

2. Green

Women with red hair should have green-colored outfits in their closets because most shades of green are flattering for their hair color. Plus, it is one of the most highly recommended clothing colors for redheads. In fact, you will look dazzling in shades like kelly green, olive green, and emerald green. However, you have to avoid green shades with a yellowish tinge, such as avocado green and yellow-green. As much as possible, you should opt for saturated greens, especially teal and emerald green. These jewel tones are known to complement red hair.

3. Purple

Purple is the color of royalty, and redheads will look regal wearing a purple-colored dress. However, you should avoid muted shades, like lavender, because they can wash out your hair color. Instead, you can opt for bright and electric shades to accentuate your tresses.

4. Red

There’s an old saying that states redheads should never wear red. However, this saying is a myth because red is one of the most flattering clothing colors for redheads. The key is to find the shade that works best with your hair color. For example, red with a purplish tinge will complement your hair, but those with an orange hue will not. Bright red is also a good choice if you want to look bold and daring.

Overall, these are the best clothing colors for redheads. Wearing these colors will definitely make you look fabulous. However, always keep in mind that being stylish and fashionable is all about confidence and attitude. As such, you can wear other clothing colors, and you will still look great as long as you walk feeling confident and with your head held high.


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