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Unwind Your Mind: 4 Serene Ways to De-Stress Today

By Guest Author Andrej Trajkovski

Have you ever wondered what the connection is between digestive problems, poor sleep, and fatigue? You will probably be surprised to read that all these common problems (and a few others) are caused by one seemingly simple thing – stress.

Modern people accept stress as a part of their everyday life, and they are partly right. A small amount of stress that does not last long can also have positive consequences in the form of motivation, inspiration, and improved performance. However, frequent exposure to stressful situations can have unseen impacts on your mental and physical health in the long run.

People who care about their health and seek ways to improve their quality of life must find things that help them de-stress. To save you time, we have four suggestions that have proven successful for thousands of people. Ready to relax and unwind?


We’ll start with a rather unusual suggestion – laughter yoga. As the old saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine.” This action relaxes your muscles and reduces stress by releasing endorphins. On the other hand, yoga contributes to a balanced metabolism and helps you make healthier life choices.

With laughter yoga, you get the best of both worlds. There are a few poses that you can try. Remember that the results will be much better if you practice this as part of a group (your friends, family, etc.). We know that this might sound funny or even bizarre. Still, many people can confirm that this combo does wonders for their health and makes them feel relaxed after short sessions.


People of all ages enjoy passing their free time playing games on their phone. Many of the most popular apps in the Apple App Store are categorized as games or entertainment. That might mean playing Roblox or Monopoly GO, but there are also options for those who like to get a taste of the casino from the comfort of their home. 

Online slots are an exciting option for those who want to unwind and forget about their surroundings for a while. You can research some of the best online casinos in Canada via Maple Casino. Of course, using this option requires risking your money, so be sure to set a budget and stick to it for the best stress-free experience.


Here’s another simple and profound way to de-stress. Remember that even if you live in an urban area, you can easily take a nature walk in a nearby natural setting like your local park, beach, or garden. 

It’s essential to engage your senses while doing this: listen to the rustling of leaves, observe the sky, feel the wind, and enjoy the colors of Mother Nature. Simply put, you should be present with your body and mind. Forget about your problems at home and/or work, and take a leisurely stroll. 

Numerous studies have confirmed that connecting with nature reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, improves heart health, and boosts mood.


Unleashing your imagination is an excellent way to de-stress. One way to do that is to engage in artistic and creative pursuits. Thanks to these activities, you’ll boost self-esteem, encourage self-expression, and provide a sense of accomplishment. 

You don’t have to be a talented artist to enjoy these activities. For instance, you can take pencils, pens, paints, or charcoal and experiment with colors and styles on paper. Or you can purchase knitting, woodworking, or paper crafting kits and turn your ideas into reality.

Creative writing, digital art, collage, sculpture, photography, pottery, and mosaics are other options that will calm you down and make you feel happy and fulfilled.  

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