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How Eating Grains (a Vegan Staple!) Can Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease

Always remember that you can eat carbohydrate-rich foods and still be healthy. In fact, numerous products can fuel your body and offer other health benefits. Take whole grains, for example. This vegan staple can help prevent heart problems. So, how can eating whole grains lower your risk of heart disease?

Whole Grains VS Refined Grains

The best way to understand how eating grains can prevent heart problems is to learn the difference between whole and refined grains. Keep in mind that whole grains are recommended because they contain more nutrients.

As you know, refined grains undergo a milling process to remove the bran and germ. As a result, they have a longer shelf life. Plus, they are more palatable because of their smooth texture. Unfortunately, the milling process reduces the nutrient contents of whole grains. As such, refined grains are mostly carbohydrates and some protein.

Whole grains, on the other hand, are complete. Aside from that, the bran of grains has B vitamins, fiber, minerals, and other phytochemicals. Plus, the germ contains additional B vitamins, antioxidants, vitamin E, and healthy fats. As such, you can gain more health benefits by eating whole grains, such as barley, buckwheat, whole oats, and brown rice.

How Can Eating Whole Grains Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease?

As presented, not all grains can help prevent health problems. As much as possible, experts recommend eating whole grains for a more nutritious and healthful meal.

So, how can eating whole grains can lower your risk of heart disease? Whole grains can promote a healthy heart in numerous ways. For instance, its high fiber content can help lower bad cholesterol levels. Plus, the other healthful substances in these starchy foods can also help reduce your blood pressure. Also, whole grains can aid in weight loss or weight management. Remember, a healthy weight is vital for a healthy heart.

Important Things to Remember

How can eating whole grains lower your risk of heart disease? As presented, whole grains contain numerous healthful substances that promote a healthy heart. As such, experts recommend eating whole grains, about three servings every day.

Aside from eating whole grains, you should also consider other factors, like sugar content. For example, regularly eating pastries made with whole wheat flour is not healthy. Even though these foods have whole grains, they are not ideal because of their high sugar content. Overall, the best way to promote a healthy heart is to eat balanced meals made with a variety of whole foods.

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