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Embracing Your Silver: A Guide for Gray Hair Care

Getting gray hairs is a natural part of aging. In fact, many of us get their first gray hairs before we even turn 30. Sure, we can schedule regular appointments at the salon, or dry to dye them ourselves. But at some point, it’s just a lot easier to give in. That’s why we wanted to teach you how to embrace your gray hair, and care for it in the best way possible.

Gray Hair — What It Really Is

Gray hair happens when the pigment cells in the hair follicles gradually decrease, leading to a loss of color. This process is entirely natural and typically starts in your mid-30s to 40s. But as we have already mentioned, it can happen even earlier. That’s because genetics play a significant role in determining when and how your hair turns gray. So, if you’ve been wondering why your friend’s hair has gone gray while yours hasn’t, it’s all in the genes. That’s why asking your parents when they got their first grays is a good rule of thumb for when you’re going to turn into a silver fox. However, don’t underestimate other factors to, such as your health and nutrition.

Caring for Your Silver Locks

Gray hair requires a different kind of care compared to its pigmented counterparts. That’s because it’s not only the pigment that is lost, you will also notice some other changes. From increased dryness, to a difference in texture, there are a lot that happens to your hue once it turns silver. Nevertheless, here’s how you can keep it healthy and shiny.

Use a Purple Shampoo

Gray hair can sometimes turn yellowish due to environmental factors or mineral buildup. Purple shampoos help neutralize these yellow tones, leaving your hair looking cool and radiant. There are also other “purple” products marketed for gray hair, but don’t fall for the marketing. A good purple shampoo is truly all that you need.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Gray hair tends to be drier and more brittle. Use a hydrating conditioner to keep it soft and manageable. Consider a deep conditioning treatment once a week to restore moisture. To keep your ends looking sleek and polished, always add a few drops of hair oil to them once you’re done with styling your hair.

Protect from UV Rays

Just like your skin, your hair can suffer from sun damage. Use hair products with UV protection or wear a hat when spending extended periods in the sun. I know that it might seem a bit excessive, but silver hair is incredibly prone to UV damage. It doesn’t have to be anything overly complicated, a simple leave in conditioner or protective hat will do the trick.

Regular Trims

Just with like any other hair color, regular trims are key. They remove split ends and promote healthy growth. Try to trim your ends at least every three months, or even more often if you feel like they are looking a bit rough. If you’re brave enough to do it, you can even invest in a good pair of scissors and do it yourself at home. You will save both money and time.


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