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Dealing With Seasonal Affective Disorder? The Best Ways to Cope

We’ve all likely been there: As the days grow shorter and the sunlight dwindles, our mood shifts for the worst and our energy becomes nonexistent. But did you know that there’s an actual scientific name for that? Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is a type of depression that surfaces in specific seasons, most commonly in the winter. And, unsurprisingly, it can cast a shadow on our well-being. But fear not, because there are still ways to combat this seasonal slump and brighten up your days.

Embrace the Light

One of the main reasons why our mood drops during the winter is the lack of sunlight. The days are short, weather gloomy, and we just don’t feel motivated to do anything. When sunlight becomes a scarce commodity, light therapy can work wonders. The best thing you could do is invest in a lightbox that mimics natural sunlight to regulate your body’s internal clock and boost mood. Start your day basking in its glow to kickstart your energy levels. You will notice that you have much more energy, and it’s also easier to fall asleep during the night.

Move Your Body, Boost Your Mood

Exercise isn’t just about physical fitness; it’s a powerful tool against SAD. Engaging in regular physical activity releases endorphins, lifting your spirits and combating the winter blues. Whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga, or hitting the gym, find what movement brings you joy. Especially if you’re someone who lives a sedentary lifestyle, please do your best to incorporate any kind of activity into your day. It doesn’t have to be anything monumental. Even a one-hour walk with your dog can do all the difference.

Bring the Outdoors In

Are you someone who enjoys spending time outside? But the winter weather is killing your outdoorsyness? Then why not include elements of nature indoors to uplift your mood. Decorate your space with plants or create a cozy corner with a nature-inspired aesthetic. Even simply opening curtains to let natural light in can make a significant difference. Never underestimate our connection to nature, and how much it can do to make us feel better.

Connect and Socialize

Do you tend to spend your days and nights by yourself during winter? As rejuvenating as that can be, after a while it can and will take a toll on your overall wellbeing. Isolation can exacerbate SAD symptoms, so please do your best to prevent this. The easiest way to do that is by reaching out to your friends and family. Plan hangouts, dinners, cozy movie nights, or gather for a warm cup of tea. Social connections can be a powerful remedy for the winter blues.

Mindfulness and Self-Care

Another great way to minimize the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder is by prioritizing self-care and mindfulness. Meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling can help manage stress and improve overall well-being. Embrace moments of stillness and self-reflection amidst the hustle and bustle of the season. Prioritizing yourself will never be selfish. Especially not if it can help you come back to the best version of yourself.

Seek Professional Help if Needed

If symptoms persist and significantly impact your daily life, seeking professional help is crucial. Therapists or counselors can provide support and guidance tailored to your specific needs, ensuring you navigate SAD effectively.


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