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What is your favorite part of photo shoots? And, over the years, what do you think are your best images?

I guess my favorite part of photo shoots is what goes along with it; the hair, the makeup, the styling.
The “pretend” of it all.
I mean, I don’t wake up like this. It takes a team and many hours. It’s like playing dress up.

There are a few pictures that I absolutely love. First, there’s one that me, my husband, and my daughter did for US Weekly. Then there’s a picture of me and Kevin James on the back lot of Sony Studios. Kevin drops his pants without me knowing and then they got me laughing at the moment I realized what he did. It perfectly captures our relationship on the show. And of course this amazing photo shoot with Katarina and Deja, because they make me feel so pretty.


What was your favorite look that your stylist brought you and how did it make you feel?

I love all the looks that my stylist brings me, but I think that I’m most comfortable in jeans or a sweat suit from PINK.


How do you stay young, relevant, and beautiful in Hollywood? What is your secret?

I’m not trying to stay young.
As far as relevancy goes, I love what I do.
I don’t attempt to be relevant, I just try to keep my goal in mind, which always has been, to entertain people and make them laugh.

As far as beautiful. Botox, two great makeup artists, and Photoshop.

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