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VIVA GLAM Cover Model Nicole Williams

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VG: Do you have any other passions; anything that speaks to your soul?

Oh yes! I love giving back and have a special place in my heart for our country’s Veterans. I do what I can year-round, but once a year, I attend Hope for the Holidays. This is an annual event thrown to raise money to build homes for our Veterans. It is based & hosted in New Orleans by the Irving Morris Foundation. Fortunately, is has a huge following.

My other soft spot is for animals. I hope to have a foundation helping rescue animals some day. I have always felt like there was nothing I could do but get upset, but now I feel I have more of a voice. I am learning about the nuances of shelters and how overcrowded they are. They need more help, and that’s one of my goals.

VG: So then, when you are NOT traveling or working, how do you spend your chill time?

I love being with my dogs, I’m actually overly obsessed with them and I just want to lay around with them all day.

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