Behind every great trip is a stellar itinerary, and as a vegan you might feel as though you don’t have the resources necessary to create an amazing one. The fact of the matter is that’s far from the truth; these days, traveling the world as a vegan or a vegetarian is a whole lot easier than it used to be with the help of these great resources.
Green Earth Travel
If you’re wanting to eat your way through Europe as a Vegan, Green Earth Travel is going to be an incredibly helpful site for you to peruse as you create your itinerary. This unique Vegan travel agency is coming up on its 20th Anniversary, which means it’s a well-established resource in the vegan community. Whether you buy one of the already crafted travel itineraries (like the 7 day Vegretreat Vegan Italian Tour) which has pre-selected top notch restaurants and tourist destinations that are cruelty-free and eco-friendly, OR you merely take their suggestions and put your own itinerary together, you won’t regret stopping by their website.
Vegan Travel Agent
Kristin and Lex birthed their Vegan Travel Agent business out of their own passion for traveling “green”. Through this passion, they’re able to custom create vacations, business trips, concert tours, family reunions, and getaways in the most economically and environmentally effective way. They do everything from flight selection to restaurant reservation to hotel selections – all with emphasis on selecting options that have superb environmental policies. Vegan Travel Agent uses Lonely Planet Guide Books along with their own personal detailed itineraries to help you make the most of your time away.
VegVoyages – Vegan Adventure Tours
Fashioning a vacation to the opposite end of the world (think India, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Sumatra, and Bali)? VegVoyages is your go-to site for help on crafting a green, eco-friendly and vegan adventure tour. Fresh, vegan cuisine, adventures in cultural immersion and local interaction, and environmentally responsible travel are the names of the game with VegVoyages, and there’s something new to explore every day.
Because they are ethically and morally against the exploitation of all animals, you won’t find animal-based entertainment on their list of adventures to choose from, and we really respect that. Best of all? VegVoyages ensures top notch value as they stand by their commitment to no hidden charges!
Vegan River Cruises
Cruises are a favored vacation choice for people all over the globe, but Vegans have often been slighted in terms of cruise options. In fact, most cruise lines are far from vegan when you consider cuisine, accommodations, and entertainment. Vegan River Cruises changed that completely.
Their cruises boast world-renown Vegan chefs, exclusive ship charter, and completely vegan amenities. Finally – you’ll really enjoy yourself in the vegan wellness program on board the ship, where you can experience a little pampering with cruelty-free products.
So rest assured that traveling the world in style and comfort, completely stress-free about your lifestyle or diet being accommodated, is not only possible but is now a “thing”.
Can You Guess the Vegan Capital of the World?