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Tips on Buying Gems from Best Lab-Grown Diamond Companies

Buying jewelry, whether for yourself or someone else, is a pleasure but a great responsibility. If you’re looking for diamonds, you should be especially careful because it’s not a cheap investment. Even though you opt for lab-grown gems, a less costly alternative to real ones, you should be careful.

To make it clear, lab-made diamonds aren’t fake. They’re just as magnificent and high-quality as mined ones but much more budget-friendly. You can visit website to get more info about jewelry made of them. And we give you some handy tips on choosing the right stone that’ll really make you or your loved one shine bright like a diamond.

Do Your Research

Before you start looking for lab-made diamonds, it’s a good idea to learn a few things. For starters, what’s the difference between these and earth-mined gems? Not much, because lab-grown gems are the same as those obtained from nature. They have the same features, quality, and shine (in fact, lab-made ones have a higher degree of purity).

What makes the difference is the process of how these gems are created. In nature, it takes millions of years for carbon to break down, crystallize, and form a diamond. There, the ore is constantly affected by enormous temperatures and pressure inside the earth’s crust. In artificial conditions, thanks to science and modern technology, diamonds grow in just a few weeks.

Because of this faster production, synthetic diamonds cost 30, 40, and even 50% less than natural ones. However, we’re still talking about several thousand dollars for one or two-carat precious stones. If you come across gems advertised as lab-grown diamonds with prices lower than these, be sure they’re fake or poor quality.

Understand 4Cs

The 4Cs (cut, carat, clarity, and color) are a golden rule in gemology and something that buyers must pay great attention to when buying diamonds. The same goes for lab-made gems, which, as said, don’t differ in any way from earth-mined ones. Based on these characteristics, you should get a grading report from any trusted lab when purchasing a diamond.


You should pay most attention to this feature because the diamonds’ beauty and brilliance depend on their cut. This process requires vast knowledge, skill, and patience of the jeweler. It’s a precise technique that forms the final shape of the precious stone. One wrong move, and the diamond can be destroyed.

More details from on cut techniques.


Carat indicates the precious stone’s weight compared to its size. Many think that more carats mean a bigger, heavier, and better quality diamond, but that’s not always the case. Weight isn’t the most important characteristic when choosing this gem, but it should be considered along with other Cs. Also, a slight difference in carats doesn’t matter much in the diamond’s quality, size, and brilliance. Still, it can make a big difference in price.


Clarity refers to the inclusions that each stone has, even lab-made ones. Since they are formed under artificial conditions, there are fewer impurities in them, so their clarity is generally higher than that of natural ones. The most valuable are those marked IF (Internally Flawless), slightly less costly are those with barely noticeable impurities (IF to VSI), while gems with more visible inclusions have SI marks of I1 or I2.


Not all diamonds are colorless, that is, those closest to it are always the purest and most valuable. These gems almost always contain a hint of some color, mostly yellow or brown. Colorless stones are the most sought after, but you can get a pretty good deal if you choose those with a slightly lower purity rating. These differences aren’t visible to the naked eye but can save you a few hundred dollars.

Know Your Budget

Just by deciding to buy a lab-grown diamond instead of earth-mined one, you cut costs but not the gem’s quality. And if you want to save more, you can opt for gems with lower purity or colorless level. These slight defects aren’t visible to the naked eye and don’t diminish the stone’s beauty. In that case, you can get a bigger gem at an affordable price.

Find a Reputable Company

Ever since lab-grown diamonds appeared and proved an excellent idea and a way to earn a profit, many companies have turned to their production. This market is quite competitive today, which can be both good and not-so-good. On the pros side of a large number of lab-grown diamond companies is the competitive prices, so you can find quality stones at very affordable prices.

What can be a problem, especially if you have never bought lab-made diamonds before, is where to buy it. It can make a difference because there are companies with stellar reputations, and there is no mistake with them. But some companies cannot boast of a stellar track record. Your goal is to avoid them.

So, when you finally know what kind of jewelry you want, you should know where to buy it. Take your time to research diamond companies, their reputation, offer, customer satisfaction, and business transparency. If they only operate online, they must have a decent website with available information about their gems, growers, business practices, etc.

With online companies, check their return and refund policy and warranty. Although lab-grown gems are cheaper than earth-mined ones, they still cost a lot of money, so you want to ensure you get what you’ve paid for. Here’s what you should know before buying these gems online.

Be sure to check how these companies communicate with customers. If there’s a live chat available, don’t hesitate to ask the agents questions about anything that interests you. If they respond quickly and with the utmost attention, you’re on the right track. Only buy lab-grown gems from vendors who treat their customers with great respect and provide high-quality gems at the best prices.

Being the owner of diamond jewelry is a special feeling, because it symbolizes luxury and prestige. That’s why you should devote time and attention to its selection, even if it’s a lab-grown gem. They’re more affordable than earth-mined ones, but equally unique, high-quality, and shiny.

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