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Things that Make You Age Faster

As you know, the habits you practice as you grow older have an impact on your skin and the way you look. To be specific, some of your day-to-day practices can make you age faster. As a result, some women may appear older than their actual age. The good news is that you can combat premature aging by knowing these common habits. So, here are the most common things that make you age faster.

Regular Consumption of Alcoholic Drinks

Keep in mind that a glass of wine is not harmful if you drink it occasionally. However, you may experience premature aging if you drink alcoholic beverages, including wine, regularly. The reason is that alcohol is a diuretic that can dehydrate your body and skin. For this reason, experts recommend limiting your consumption of wine and other alcoholic beverages. Remember, you can also get a restful sleep and feel more energized if you drink responsibly.

Overwhelming Stress

Overwhelming stress is one of the most common things that make you age faster. Keep in mind that your body releases cortisol (stress hormone) when you’re under too much pressure. This hormone has a negative impact on your skin. Aside from that, stress can also create free radicals, which may lead to aging skin.

Unfortunately, stress is a part of life. For this reason, you have to include anti-stress activities in your weekly schedule. Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to de-stress. You can relax and forget about your worries through simple activities like walking, taking a warm bath, meditation, and many more.

Too Much Sun Exposure

Of course, this list of the most common things that make you age faster is incomplete without too much sun exposure. As you know, the UV rays emitted by the sun have damaging effects on your skin, making it look dry and leathery. As such, experts recommend limiting the time you spend under the sun. Aside from that, you can protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun in numerous ways. For one, you can apply sunscreen whenever you’re going outside. You can also wear a hat or long-sleeved shirt for extra protection.

Key Takeaway

All in all, numerous unhealthy habits can make you age quickly. Fortunately, you can fight premature aging by making simple lifestyle changes. Remember, these practices will not only lead to a youthful and radiant complexion. You can also make your body healthier through these simple changes, especially if you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

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