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The Price of Your Summer Tan: How to Treat Sunspots on Your Face

Summer is all about sun-kissed skin and beach days, but sometimes, those fun times under the sun can lead to unwanted guests on your face: sunspots. If you’ve noticed these pesky spots appearing after a sunny season, don’t worry. There are actually numerous ways to treat sunspots on your face, even with the help of OTC products. So let us share with you the best way to treat these annoying hyperpigmentations.

What are Sunspots?

Before we dive into treatment, let’s understand what sunspots are. Sunspots, also known as age spots or liver spots, are those dark patches that can pop up on your skin, especially on the face and hands. They are usually caused by prolonged exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays. Even if you love that sun-kissed glow, it’s essential to protect your skin to prevent these spots from making an appearance.

The Best Over the Counter Products

If you’re looking for over-the-counter products to help with sunspots, there are several vegan-friendly options to consider. These products can be an excellent addition to your skincare routine:

Vitamin C

Vitamin C serums are a popular choice for fading sunspots. This skincare ingredient is a potent antioxidant that helps brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of dark spots. Look for serums with a stable form of vitamin C, such as L-ascorbic acid, for the best results. Apply a few drops to your face after cleansing and before moisturizing.

Azelaic Acid

Azelaic acid is another ingredient known for its ability to treat hyperpigmentation and sunspots. It works by inhibiting the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for dark spots. You can find vegan azelaic acid products in various forms, including creams and gels. Apply them as directed on the packaging, typically once or twice a day.


Retinols, or vitamin A derivatives, are well-known for their skin-renewing properties. They can help fade sunspots and improve overall skin texture. When using retinol products, start with a lower concentration and gradually increase it to avoid irritation. It’s essential to apply retinols at night and follow up with sunscreen during the day, as they can make your skin more sensitive to UV rays.

Consistency is Key

When it comes to treating sunspots, consistency is crucial. These products take time to show results, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see an immediate improvement. Stick to your skincare routine, and over time, you’ll notice a reduction in the appearance of sunspots. Remember that prevention is just as important as treatment. Even as you work on fading existing sunspots, continue to protect your skin from future damage.

SPF is Your Best Friend

The first step in preventing sunspots is to use sunscreen religiously. Opt for a vegan sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and apply it generously to your face and exposed skin before heading out into the sun. Reapply every two hours, especially if you’re swimming or sweating. This simple act can go a long way in safeguarding your skin from UV damage.

Stay Shady

Seeking shade is another smart move. If you’re spending a day at the beach or pool, bring along a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. Not only will you look effortlessly chic, but you’ll also be protecting your face from those harsh sun rays that cause sunspots.

Gentle Exfoliation

If sunspots have already made an appearance, don’t worry; there are ways to fade them naturally. One method is gentle exfoliation. Look for vegan exfoliating products with ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs). These help remove dead skin cells and promote skin renewal, gradually reducing the appearance of sunspots.


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