As consumers, we have all become more cognisant of our spending habits in recent years. With many of us choosing to put our purchasing power behind companies and brands that do good to the planet rather than harm it, there has been a growing shift in the way people buy and wear clothes.
In an attempt to reduce their carbon footprint, improve working conditions for many, or simply reduce waste, growing numbers of people are renouncing the fast fashion trend in favor of adopting a more sustainable fashion outlook. This move towards more sustainable clothing items is only set to increase as the global market share for sustainable fashion is projected to go from 3.9% in 2021 to 6.1% in 2026.
If you are feeling the call to move towards a more sustainable wardrobe but don’t know where to begin, this article provides advice to help you embrace a more sustainable fashion future.
Buy Better
When buying new items of clothing seek out brands that are doing their part by producing clothes in a sustainable manner or taking steps to lower their environmental impact and introduce more sustainable practices.
You can show your support to high-street brands that are making a commitment to be more sustainable such as Diesel which has launched its ‘For Responsible Living’ strategy which seeks to confront the social, economic, and environmental impacts of the fashion industry by adopting measures such as sourcing lower impact materials, reduce water and chemical consumption, and switching to 100% recycled packaging. You can view their clothing at a Diesel outlet store.
Know Your Materials
Synthetic materials such as polyester, acrylic, and nylon are petroleum by-products that take several years to break down, contributing to large amounts of pollution. In addition to this, when washed, synthetic materials shed between 200,000 and 500,000 tonnes of microplastics into waterways and oceans each year, inflicting harm on marine life which ingest the tiny particles.
One of the best ways to embrace a more sustainable fashion stance is by choosing clothes made from sustainable materials such as organic cotton, linen, bamboo, or hemp. In comparison to synthetic fibers, these materials are biodegradable, renewable, and have a lower carbon footprint.
When choosing your fabric it can be helpful to refer to certain fashion sustainability certifications that take into account standards such as fibers, chemicals, working conditions, circular standards, and fair trade to help you decide whether they align with your values.
Take Care of Your Clothes
It goes without saying that the more you look after your clothes the less likely you are to buy new ones. By following proper washing techniques, storing them correctly, tending to minor repairs early, and upcycling you can significantly increase the life span as well as the look of your clothes.
In addition to saving money, this can help to lower demand for new clothing production, reduce waste on landfill sites, and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gasses and valuable resources required to manufacture and transport clothing.
Moving towards a more sustainable fashion future needn’t be done overnight. However with the advice set out here you can begin taking steps to ensure you are moving in the right direction.