Characterized by high blood sugar levels, type 2 diabetes is one of the most common chronic ailments around the globe. It is also the most common form of diabetes, accounting for more than 95 percent of adults diagnosed with the disease.
If you are suffering from type 2 diabetes, it simply means that your body system does not utilize insulin properly.
The good thing, however, is that having diabetes type 2 isn’t a death sentence. With healthy lifestyle changes, proper medical care, and close monitoring, you can live a healthy and happy life despite having the disease.
With this said, here are five critical steps to take to keep diabetes type 2 under control.
1. It All Starts With a Good Diet
Through dietary changes, you might still be able to control your blood sugar levels even with type 2 diabetes. However, you’ll need to keep a keen eye on what you should and shouldn’t eat.
Closely following diabetes type 2-friendly diet rules will ensure that you lead a normal and productive life.
A diabetes type 2-friendly diet is similar to what doctors can recommend to anyone. It involves minimally eating processed foods, investing in fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, and lean proteins, eating healthy fats and limiting the intake of foods that include added sugars. You will also want to avoid skipping meals, keeping your intake of salt and fats to a minimum.
2. Getting Tested More Often
Managing any form of diabetes means that you must always stay up to date with your blood sugar levels and diabetes type two is no exception. Regular tests will help prevent complications, it will provide you with insights on the best foods to take or avoid, and it’s among the best ways to lead a healthier life.
Below are several type 2 diabetes tests you might have to get often:
Get Regular Eye Exams — Medicare May Cover These
Diabetes retinopathy is a condition, or rather, a complication that mainly affects people living with either form of diabetes (type I and type II). It usually affects the retina, which is the special component of the eye that receives different spectra of light and converts them into electrical signals for the brain to interpret as images.
Diabetic retinopathy usually occurs when the vessels supplying the retina with blood sustain damage due to high blood sugar, resulting in bleeding into the retina. It’s characterized by symptoms such as blurry vision, fluctuating vision, and in rare cases, the loss of vision.
With early intervention, however, the complication can be treated and the loss of vision prevented.
This usually starts by conducting eye exams, a common step in managing diabetes. Before you take the tests, it’s important to find out from your doctor if medicare covers eye exams or whether you need additional insurance. Half the time, the government-sponsored health care plan usually covers eye checks deemed medically necessary.
Glucose Tolerance Test
This is an oral exam that aims to measure your blood sugar after going for not more than 8 hours without food and 2 hours after you’ve taken a beverage containing glucose.
3. Stress Management
Managing the stressors in your life can greatly help you lead a normal life even with type 2 diabetes. Stressful situations or habits that cause stress might often cause a person to overindulge in practices that can worsen the situation.
Additionally, it causes the release of stress hormones that might interfere with the regulation of your blood sugar levels. Managing stress can also help prevent type 2 diabetes-related ailments, including heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure.
4. Exercise
When you exercise, your body burns calories and in return, it contributes to weight loss. Moderate physical activity each day can promote insulin sensitivity, meaning that your cells’ rate of absorbing blood sugar will be higher.
5. Taking Diabetes Medication
While several herbs and spices can help manage diabetes, your physician may also prescribe medications like metformin, glinides, and thiazolidinediones, to keep your condition in check.
Ensure to take your medications as prescribed and report any cases of side effects.
However, diabetes medication should only be taken under your doctor’s prescription and close supervision.
Being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the journey. It’s a new chapter in your life. The above are ways that can help you live your life to the fullest. It’s also important that you follow your doctor’s advice if you are to manage your condition properly.