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11 Important Dos and Don’ts for Credit Cards (That You May Not Know About)

Navigating the world of credit cards can seem complex and daunting. However, with a clear understanding of the key dos and don’ts, you can use credit cards to manage your financial matters more efficiently. 

So, let’s take a look at eleven important dos and don’ts for credit cards that you may not know about.

1. DO Limit Your Credit Usage

First and foremost, it’s crucial to limit your credit card usage; just as you should set limits when playing casino games.

Ideally, your usage should not exceed 30% of your available credit limit at any given moment. By staying within that limit, you can inherently boost your credit score and stay far away from looming debts.

2. DO Meet Your Payment Deadlines

A key principle of effective credit card management lies in meeting your payment deadlines consistently. 

Make it a habit to pay off balances before they start accruing interest. This will save you a chunk of cash in the long run.

3. DO Review Your Statements

Another vital practice is to regularly review your credit card statements. Doing so enables you to track purchases, spot fraud early, and ensure there are no errors.

This step becomes even more vital if you have multiple cards in use.

4. DO Use Rewards Wisely

Rewards on spending can be tempting but knowing how to optimize them is crucial too. 

Be it air miles, cash back, or discount promotions, make sure they don’t lead you into unnecessary overspending.

5. DO Leverage Your Card for Building Your Credit Score

Smart usage of a credit card can significantly contribute towards building a solid credit history since the card activity is reported to national bureaus which calculate scores.

6. DON’T Go Over Your Credit Card Limit (You’ll Likely Get Charged Extra)

It’s essential to understand that surpassing your Credit Card Credit Limit is a financial pitfall. 

Not only do most banks charge for this privilege. It also negatively impacts your credit score. 

So, even if you have the capacity, resist maxing out. To maintain an optimal credit utilization ratio, never spend more than 30% of your available limit.

7. DON’T Use Cash Advances

As a cardinal rule, avoid using your credit card for cash advances. 

While convenient, these transactions often come with hefty fees, and interest starts accruing immediately from the withdrawal date.

8. DON’T Ignore Minimum Payments

Ignoring minimum payments might seem inconsequential at first but can lead to significant issues over time. 

Unpaid dues can accumulate quickly due to compounding interest, making it difficult to clear them down the line.

9. DON’T Apply for Multiple Cards at Once

Frequently applying for new credit cards is another mistake to avoid. 

This behavior raises red flags among lenders and affects your credit score significantly.

10. DON’T Pay Only the Minimum Due

Paying only the minimum due every month can mislead you into thinking you’re managing your debt well. 

However, in reality, the remaining balance can snowball into a more substantial amount because of accrued interest. So, try to avoid paying only the minimum due.

11. DON’T Neglect Your Credit Report

Often people neglect their credit reports, which can prove costly. 

Regular checks help you to spot any inaccuracies or fraud that can potentially harm your financial health.

Summing Up 

Using credit cards wisely can lead to ample financial advantages. By adhering to the above dos and avoiding the don’ts, you can truly harness your card’s potential. 

Remember, smart financial habits pave the way for a secure future. So, stay mindful and make your credit card work in your favor.

To recap:

  1. DO Limit Your Credit Usage.
  2. DO Meet Your Payment Deadlines.
  3. DO Review Your Statements.
  4. DO Use Rewards Wisely.
  5. DO Leverage Your Card for Building Your Credit Score.
  6. DON’T Go Over Your Credit Card Limit (You’ll Likely Get Charged Extra).
  7. DON’T Use Cash Advances.
  8. DON’T Ignore Minimum Payments.
  9. DON’T Apply for Multiple Cards at Once.
  10. DON’T Pay Only the Minimum Due.
  11. DON’T Neglect Your Credit Report.
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