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The Art and Science of Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery has definitely become more and more popular as the years go by. Not only is it available now to the general public, but there are more and more affordable options.

It has become the norm so fast that you can visit a local med spa on a lunch break or an afternoon off and come out with a new nose or plumper lips.

However, while this is something that is now really in the public eye, in person and online, how exactly does cosmetic surgery work?

If you are curious about what happens when you are poked and prodded apart for aesthetics, then read on to discover some of the art and science of cosmetic surgery.

Science – Medical Expertise

You might be relieved to know that not any old person off the street can just take an injection to your lips or carry out a cosmetic procedure. It does require medical expertise and clinically trained professionals to perform any kind of cosmetic surgery.
Surgeons must complete rigorous medical training, including medical school and residency, to understand the human body’s anatomy and function before they can put a scalpel near anyone.

This is non-negotiable, so if you are considering getting any type of cosmetic surgery, be sure that your surgeon has the qualifications and licenses to do it and that the clinic is trustworthy, such as

Art – The Customized Aesthetic

While a surgeon’s qualifications are essential, to be successful at their job, they also need to have creative vision to make sure they can create the look that is best for the client. This is about being able to say no if something isn’t in their best interest or to put forward better recommendations to achieve something that the client is hoping for.

This is essential, as not one size fits all. While bodies are anatomically very similar, features, structure, and other nuances are all completely unique and need to be treated as such.

Science – Pain Management

During many cosmetic procedures, an anesthetic will need to be used. Anesthesiologists are trained to administer anesthesia safely to make sure any patients are pain-free and comfortable through any procedure. Thanks to scientific advancements, anesthesia is safer and more effective.

Art – Restoring Confidence

There are many reasons why patients undergo cosmetic surgery, and a common reason is that they are lacking self-confidence. While therapy is extremely important in cases like these, and cosmetic surgery should often be a last resort, for people who have struggled with a disfigurement or need reconstructive surgery, it can be life-changing.

This all comes down to the art of placement, vision, and the finished result created by the surgeon. This can often be a gamble, as what you are left with cannot be easily undone, so looking at testimonials and previous work is essential.

These are just some of the examples of the art and science of cosmetic surgery that blend together to create the outcomes people dream of.

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