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How to wear your swimsuit out of the water

Swimwear designs are so cute, stylish and sexy this season that there’s no need to keep your bikinis and one-pieces just for the beach or pool. It’s easy to incorporate your favorite swimsuits into your wardrobe so you can pack light, look cool and enjoy that summer feeling all year round.

Get set for a sporty look

The sporty swimwear trend slips effortlessly into your athleisure wardrobe. With soft, stretchy fabrics, flattering cuts and a palette of neon brights, the athletic look is perfect for breezing through summer. Try wearing a stripy one-piece under loose shorts and a hooded crop top or pair a bralette bikini top with track pants, a floaty overshirt and flatform sneakers for a look that oozes laid-back Californian charm.

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Nail the urban trend

It’s simple to add a swimsuit to bring a dash of street style to almost any outfit. Try a crop bikini top under dungarees or let the straps of a print bikini peek out under your usual vest top. Make the most of your curves by layering high waist bikini bottoms and a bandeau top under low cut pants. A sleek one-piece swimsuit makes a super chic alternative to a tank – with the added bonus that it will never come untucked. Just add denim cutoffs and ankle boots to capture a retro 1980s look.

Travel light

Travel light by ensuring your swimwear does double duty: after a day soaking up the rays and splashing in the waves, let it take you from beach to bar or sightseeing in style. Whatever your favourite style of bikini top, whether bandeau, a push-up bra or a laced front bralette, just slip on a pair of wide-leg beach pants and pretty sandals for effortless elegance. See-through is a hot trend this season: wear a scoop neck one-piece under a sheer maxi dress, giving you an outfit that nails the look without showing too much skin.

Festival flair

Make a splash at your next festival with the latest swimwear, capturing the essence of summer and a boho, folkloric vibe. Pair a crochet swimsuit with a flounced skirt for that gipsy queen style or wear a high leg swimsuit as an alternative to a leotard. Opt for a plain red lace front swimsuit or an underwired style in a bold tropical print: just add a long shirt and western boots for a look that’s guaranteed to get heads turning.

Add a versatile bandeau

Got problem with a playsuit neckline that’s a little too plunging for your taste? Add a toning bandeau bikini top underneath. Play with clashing prints and colors or look out for coordinating pieces for an elegant look. Or just add tailored white shorts, sunglasses and heels for a look that oozes 1950s Hollywood glamour.

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