Let’s ask an honest question: how many Instagram accounts are you following right now? Seriously, how many of them do you use to find makeup techniques? Probably a ton; I used to do it too, but there are some instances where you need to develop your own technique. This means having the right materials on hand and knowing a few tips and tricks that will help you to become your own person. Let’s go over a few methods I’ve learned over the years, and in the end, you can expand upon them. You need a lighter makeup for summer, and I’m going to help you get there.
All About that Base
Your makeup is going to need a base, and some of the most prominent personalities say to use an oil-free moisturizer in the morning. If you want to really bring out your face, use an oil-free foundation to match it.
You need a Primer
These are the most important words you’re ever going to hear in regards to your makeup: you need a primer. Seriously! It goes on after your moisturizer and it helps to hold the makeup in place.
Believable Bronzing is Key
Using a bronzer will make your eyes look brighter and it will really help to bring out the whiteness in your teeth. It doesn’t matter who you are, there is nothing better than adding a bit of warmth to your skin, so when you’re applying your bronzer, make sure you’re hitting the following areas:
- Forehead
- Cheekbones
- Chin
- Nose
These are all spots where the sun naturally hits you, and therefore, all spots that absolutely need to be covered.
On the Lighter Side
You shouldn’t treat your face like drywall- you don’t need to spackle it. As they say, less is more, and during the summer, makeup melts; make sure you use as little concealer and foundation as possible while still getting the aesthetic you need.
You Don’t Need to Shimmer
That nice dewy glow is something that many people aspire to. After all, you see it on celebrities all the time. I know I’ve looked at more than a few Instagram photos and found myself wondering what on Earth I was doing wrong that I couldn’t get that glow. Well, using creams or foundations with luminous properties during the summer is a bad idea as the humidity will contribute to that shininess. Honestly, you’ll start to sparkle like Edward Cullen, and no one wants to go in that direction.
Go Sheer!
We like the heavy colors just as much as you do, but there is a time and place for everything. During the summer, those deep colors can look a bit heavy, and in fact, heavier than you wanted. Instead of going heavy, use a nude shade or an invisible lip liner to stop bleeding.
Keeping the Eye Shadow Going
You need a longer lasting eye shadow during the summer; no one can deny that, so make sure you’re avoiding eye cream on your lids. A primer will minimize creasing and develop a base for the eyeshadow to cling to.
Powder No More
If you keep using the same powder blush formula your skin is probably going to look pretty caked, pretty fast. In fact, I’ve found myself actually looking like a carpet from time to time. Instead of using powder, try a gel or blush stain, blended with a touch of a cream blush. An invisible setting powder can also help you out significantly here.
It’s Time to Glow
I’ve suffered from a slick T-zone during the summer, and so have you. You know what I’m talking about, that area of your face where your nose meets your forehead? If you have as lick T-zone, it means you’re hot, and if you want to eliminate that problem, blot before you apply a pressed powder. Eliminate the shine but remain glow-y; it’s not too hard!
It’s Time for a Change! – Of Lipstick
During the winter you’ve probably been relying on heavy matte lipsticks, but it’s time to put those away and switch to stains. These are long lasting, and they offer the sheer coverage you’ve been looking for. In the interest of going the cruelty-free route, we recommend brands like Lipsense, which are alcohol based and last much longer than the typical lipsticks you would find at your local drug store. Expensive? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely. For bonus points, try sweet pink shades or even peach to get with the summery look you need.
Waterproof It
Summer is a time for swimming, and swimming causes mascara to run – everyone knows it. Even if you’re not going to take a dip, you should still invest in some waterproof mascara.
Stay Prepared – Always
You can perfect your makeup before you leave the house, but you’ll need to do some touch-ups once in a while. Keep supplies in your purse, and make sure that they all fit. I recommend keeping a clear makeup ‘wallet’ inside your purse that will help you to see everything you have, and allow you to do those touch ups quickly. Also, carry a mirror, just in case there isn’t a bathroom available.
How to Create a Natural Looking Makeup Base