Are you someone who used to go through every makeup magazine in your teens? And now that you are an adult, you love makeup. But you still do not know how to put makeup on perfectly or find the ideal makeup for your face. You are not alone. So many people love makeup but do not know how to use it well. Even if they try, the result is not flawless, which can discourage them. Does this sound like you? If yes, these hacks, tips, and tricks may help you put on makeup better.
It is not a step-by-step guide for doing makeup. These are hacks and tips that will make your makeup look better.
Try putting foundation before your concealer.
This tip is a must for a beginner looking to level up their makeup. The advice is to apply the foundation before your concealer. It helps because when you use a layer of foundation before anything else, it reduces any discoloration or redness. It gives you a smooth base to put on all the other products. With a perfect base, it becomes easier to apply concealer for spot-treating pigmented eyes, a zit, or an acne scar. Moreover, with this tip, you use fewer products than otherwise. Also, using foundation before concealer ensures no creasing or caking.
Understand your skin and buy the correct products.
Not every makeup product is equal or suitable for your skin. Most beginners buy makeup on the recommendation of beauty influencers and celebrities. But you should not. Initially, you should always go to a store and try makeup products. It will ensure you buy the correct foundation or concealer that works on your skin. Knowing your skin type before buying the best makeup product is equally important. Once you know which products work on your skin, get them online from anywhere. You can get any brand when you buy makeup products online Australia.
Get a primer that complements your foundation.
Using a primer has multiple benefits, like providing a smooth face to work on, reducing oil production, and more. However, did you know that the primer should complement the foundation? Yes, ensure they have the same base, irrespective of whether they are water- or oil-based. Otherwise, the two products will repel each other. Or it may slide off the face, making it challenging to blend. To ensure they both effortlessly blend, get them on the same base.
Use a downward stroke to apply the foundation.
Want a perfect foundation? Then, apply it using the downward stroke method. Most people use an upward stroke, but it does not work well. Your face has a thin layer of hair, which means using an upward stroke to apply foundation will lead to the hair standing out. It is known as peach fuzz. Remember, even with a downward stroke, some peach fuzz will be there. To ensure it does not happen, remove facial hair using shaving or laser treatment.
Know the main focal point for applying concealer.
This hack works not just for beginners but for professionals, too. It is a lazy hack. Get out your concealer and dab a little one using a brush on your under-eye or around the corner of your mouth. Any other areas where you feel it is necessary, put it. Highlight the center of the face by using concealer. This lazy hack will make you look good.
Always exfoliate your lips before applying lipstick
Applying lipstick, but it does not look smooth? Then try this hack. Use a gentle lip scrub or make your own. Use it to exfoliate your lips to let go of dry skin. Doing this will give you a smooth and softer canvas to apply the perfect lipstick. Remember to do a lip scrub only once a week.
Use white eyeliner for popping your eyeshadow.
Want more dramatic eye makeup? Then, you can use this hack. It is best for making a pigmented or sheer eyeshadow appear vibrant. For this, you need a white eyeliner pencil. Blend the eyeliner over the eyelash first. The opaque coverage of this liner will only intensify the shade. It will bring out a pop of color.
Blush before the foundation.
It’s another reverse makeup hack you should try. For this, apply the blush first, then apply the foundation. It will look like you are glowing naturally. To ensure this hack works, ensure you use liquid or cream blush. Using powder blush for this hack will only cause patchiness.
Use a spoon for the perfect mascara.
Getting perfect mascara on your eyelids is always a challenge. To ensure it ends up perfectly, use a spoon. Let the spoon hug your eyelid, and then apply mascara. Using a mascara wand against the lashes and back of the spoon, the residue will paint a coat on the back of the spoon and not on your skin.
Try these tips and see the difference in your makeup. Makeup is an art, and it is a way to enhance your confidence.