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5 Keys to Successful Dental Implants

In terms of tooth replacement, dental implants are usually considered the “gold standard.” They have the highest chances of success and lowest likelihood of failure than other types of prosthetics and treatments, making them a great solution for a person with missing teeth.

However, improperly placed dental implants, inadequate osseointegration, and periodontal disease can lead to dental implant failure. Therefore, you must choose the right dentist and commit to caring for your new smile to ensure you enjoy a lifetime of benefits from your dental implants. Here are five keys to successful dental implants.   

1.   Have your implants placed by a dental specialist

Dental implants are among the most complex procedures within aesthetic dentistry. Therefore, your dental implant procedures and All On 4 dental implants should be executed by a dental specialist such as an oral surgeon or prosthodontist. Dental implants placed by these professionals have a much high chance of success than that of a general dentist. After all, these professionals have completed years of training after dental school, and they usually use cutting-edge technology to help them insert implants into your jawbone.  

2.   Maintain good oral hygiene

Plaque and bacteria can cause periodontal disease around your dental implants, which could otherwise compromise the long-term success of your implants. Therefore, just like taking care of your natural teeth, dental implants require good oral hygiene.

Continue brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day to reduce the amount of harmful bacteria in your mouth. Consult a dental practitioner when you have any queries about how to take care of your dental implants. Ask them about an Interdental brush that can get between your teeth and in difficult-to-reach spaces around your gums.

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3.   Wear a night guard

Consider wearing a night guard or bite splint if you grind or clench your teeth at night. Night guards will help create a barrier between the lower and upper teeth, which may help prevent any further damage to your tooth replacements and dental implants. Night guards come in different materials, so consult your dentist on the suitable one for you.

4.   Take good care of your health

Dental implants can withstand time since they blend with the bone around them. This process, called osseointegration, allows implants to act as artificial tooth roots. However, you need to avoid habits such as smoking since it might interfere with osseointegration or the ability of your body to heal after surgery. You should also take all appropriate steps to manage your condition if you have chronic diseases like diabetes.  

5.   Schedule regular dental visits

It’s essential to visit your dentist regularly after getting your dental implants to ensure successful healing. Frequent dental visits allow your dentist to diagnose issues like gum disease before they become serious.

The visits will also help your doctor keep track of your oral hygiene level and advice on any adjustments you might need to make. You should schedule follow-up visits at least three to four months after dental implants.


Dental implants are usually successful, but this depends on where the implants are placed and the dentist placing them in your jaw. That said, be sure to consult with a dental implant expert to determine if dental implants are right for you. These professionals will examine your oral anatomy, access your health history and offer a detailed care plan for your teeth.

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