Bingo is an immensely popular game all over the world. Furthermore, if you live in the UK, you’re more likely than not to have played the game, and the statistics only get more astonishing once you leave the country. What’s even more interesting about the game is the parity between the number of men and women who play the game. An estimated 70% of all global bingo players, 1.6 billion to be exact, are women.
Even though men dominate most gambling establishments, bingo has long since been a favorite game for women. In addition, the game’s demographics are also changing with the emergence of online platforms such as 888ladies bingo. It’s no longer the elderly game you once knew. Join us as we explore the game of bingo and some of the reasons women love it so much.
1. Women are Social Players
As much as women play to win prizes available in bingo games, they also indulge in it for its social aspect. They like meeting up with friends in their homes, bingo halls, or online platforms where they interact and catch up on the latest gossip. It’s also a well-known fact that some of the adamant players of the game are elderly and retired women without much of a social life or life responsibilities. The game allows them to meet new people and interact with their friends regularly.
Women are also more prone to search for social interactions than men, and bingo offers them the perfect excuse to get together.
2. Women Like Casual Games
Unlike other casino games with high stakes and require your concentration to play well and win. Bingo is more laidback, and you can play even when your full attention is not on the game. Furthermore, traditionally most women did not like gambling, and the casual nature of bingo made it feel like a game between friends, be it in bingo halls.
Many British families also play bingo casually as a means of bonding and a way of spending quality time together. Mothers who spend more time with their children also get more opportunities to play with them.
3. Bingo is Cheap to Play
Bingo is a pretty affordable game to play. Games start from as low as £1, and even for some of the more expensive games, buy-ins are not as high as other gambling games. Most women are also not as adamant gamblers as you’ve come to expect from men, and this aspect of bingo is appealing to them. In addition, bingo jackpots are nothing to look down upon, and women enjoy the high returns on their low-risk bets.
The low rates also mean women can indulge in more games without spending much, which is the only time you will hear that.
4. Bingo is Easy to Learn and Play
Unlike some card games and casino table games with many rules and require complex strategies to win, bingo is straightforward to learn and get started. In fact, if you’re British, bingo is likely one of the games you first learned to play when you were young. Furthermore, more women than men tend to stick with the game over their lifetime, which might be a preference or cultural thing.
The easy nature of playing the game also means more new players can join established ones and quickly play at the high levels, keeping everything interesting.
5. Bingo’s Positioning
Marketing plays a significant role in how we perceive and interact with products such as games, and bingo is no different. For instance, in the early 2000s, the UK’s bingo industry was dominated by older adults on their last legs in life. However, operators sort to rebrand and reposition the game by changing its image from an older people’s game to a young and hip one. To this effect, they ran a marketing campaign using young influential TV personalities in the country, which quickly had the desired result.
Today Bingo in the UK is enjoyed by a broad demographic, but the overwhelming majority are women of all ages.
6. Online Bingo
Another factor contributing to the popularity of bingo amongst women is the emergence of online bingo. Traditionally, many women did not like visiting casinos, but bingo halls and establishments have always been an exception. And now that online platforms have made access to bingo games convenient, more and more women are finding it easy to play the game. Online bingo also offers more bingo options and better jackpots than bingo halls, which are also significant reasons many women play the game.
In addition, today, almost everyone in the UK owns a mobile phone, and there are numerous bingo games women can play on their devices. In addition, it’s easier than ever to play a quick game during a break or while in transit from one place to another.
7. Good Regulations
The gambling industry in the UK is excellently regulated, and most bingo establishments in brick-and-mortar facilities, as well as the online space, are safe and secure. Women don’t have to worry about being swindled or losing their money from unscrupulous operators with bingo as much as they would with other gambling games.
Authorities and bingo operators are also at hand to assist players who experience issues and unclear regulation sections. This has helped bingo cultivate a decent reputation, enabling women to trust the game.
Have you ever heard of the saying that behind every successful man is a woman? We guess we can extend that saying to bingo as well. The game has survived for over 500 years and is still going strong today, and it comes as no surprise that women are the majority of bingo players. But as the technology powering the next wave of the bingo evolution continues to change, so is the demographic playing the game.
We expect bingo to remain a favorite among women, but we also hope to see more and more men getting into the spirit of things. But one thigh is sure, the lovely game of bingo is here to stay for the foreseeable future if the support it receives from women is anything to go by.