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The Warm Home Discount: What You Should Know

With sharp rises in electricity and gas on the energy market, it’s worth knowing whether you can qualify for a warm home discount which can help you save some money on energy bills. Remember that the warm home discount is a government-backed scheme designed to help you lower energy costs, especially if you receive a low income. 

Therefore, you can get certain benefits if you find it hard to pay for you gas or electricity. Utility Bidder can help you know if you are eligible for this scheme. They can also assist you apply so that you can get this discount. This article discusses the warm home discount.

What is The Warm Home Discount

The warm home discount can offer you a certain money off your electricity bill for the energy bills in winter, if you qualify. It’s worth noting that they don’t pay this money directly to you, but this discount applies to your electricity bill. Besides, you can also get a discount on your gas bill, especially if your energy supplier offers both electricity and gas, what is called a dual fuel tariff. 

You can be eligible for a warm home discount if you belong to any of these core groups. The first core group is if you can have the guarantee credits element of pension credits. In such a case, you or the name of your spouse or partner needs to be on the energy bill. And, you or your spouse or partner should be receiving the guarantee credit element of pension credit. Also, you should be with an energy supplier that provides the warm home discount.

Then there is the core group 2 that applies if you receive a low income and get some benefits. To be considered for this group, you must be a supplier that provides the warm home discount. Also, you should be on a low income and get some benefits and you are at or in risk of fuel poverty.

The Benefits That Can Help You Qualify For The Warm Home Discount

You should remember depending on the energy supplier’s scheme, you can be eligible for one of the various means tested benefits. These include universal credit for low-income elements, income support, income-based job seeker’s allowance, income-related employment, and support allowance, this can include a work-related activity and support component, housing benefit, support for mortgage interest, child tax credit, and working tax credit. 

Keep in mind that the universal credit also needs to include some of these payments. These are child elements for children who are below five years old, disabled child element, and a disability or pensioner premium.  

It’s worth remembering that applying for the warm home discount scheme can depend on the way you qualify for the discount. The discount can usually apply automatically without you doing anything. This happens when you receive the guarantee credit element for pension credit. Alternatively, you can apply directly to your energy supplier if you are considered to be on a low income and receive certain benefits.

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